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The inverse gravimetric problem: Existence,uniqueness and stability of the solution
Authors:Ctirad Matyska  Reviewers O Man  Reviewers M Burda
Institution:(1) Department of Geophysics and Meteorology, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague
Abstract:Summary The paper is concerned with the mathematical properties of the density distribution within the Earth obtained by inverting of the external gravity field, provided an Earth's reference density model, used as the initial guess, is available. The method of regularization, which proves the existence, the uniqueness and the stability of the solution, which is nearest the initial guess in the L 2 norm, is described.
Rcyiecyzcyyucymcyiecy Ocynuscyancy mcyiecymocy¶rt; rcyiecyucylcyyacyrcyuzcyatscyuu ocy¶rt;rcyamncyocyubreve zcya¶rt;achcyu ¶rt;lcyyacy vcyncyiecyshcyncyiecyocyrcyavcyumatscyuocyncyncyocyocy nocylcyyacy Zcyiecymcylcyu scychcyumayacy, chcymocy uzcyvcyiecyscymncya ncyachcyalcyvcyncyayacy ocytscyiecyncykcya rcyascynrcyiecy¶rt;iecylcyiecyncyuyacy nlcyocymncyocyscymu vcy Zcyiecymcylcyiecy. Ecymocym mcyiecymocy¶rt; nrcyiecy¶rt;ocyscymavcyum vcyocyzcymcyocyzhcyncyocyscymvcy ncyaubrevemu rcyiecyshcyiecyncyuiecy, kcyocymocyrcyocyiecy ocy¶rt;ncyocyzcyncyachcyncyocy, ucyscymocyubrevechcyuvcyocy u vcybcylcyuzcyu ncyachcyalcysoftcyncyocyubreve ocytscyiecyncykcyu.
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