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The Late Palaeozoic Rifting on Hainan Island, China
摘    要:There occurred rifting on Hainan Island in the Late Palaeozoic. Bimodal volcanic rocks composed ofbasalt and rhyolite developed in the Carboniferous. Widespread in the Late Palaeozoic formations are severallayers of fluvial intermontane conglomerates whose distribution is controlled by rift faults. The Late Palaeozoicdeposits dominaled by clastic rocks are, for a major part, of marine facies and of continental facies in the lowerand upper parts. Lithological and lithochemical studies indicate that the detrital rocks were formed in atectonic setting of continental rifting. The evolution of the rifting terminated at the stage of transition form anintra continental rift to an intercontinental one and the rift basin was a bay opening westward to the sea.

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