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Petrology and Emplacement of Reversely Zoned Gabbro-Diorite Plutons in the Smartville Complex, Northern California
Affiliation:1SN4, NASA, Johnson Space Center Houston, TX 77058
2Department of Geology, University of California Davis, CA 95616
Abstract:Gabbroic plutons are part of the intrusive substructure of theSmartville Complex, a late Jurassic, rifted, ensimatic arc locatedin the northern Sierra Nevada of California. The plutons rangefrom unzoned, equant bodies of olivine gabbro less than 1 kmin diameter to elongate intrusions up to 25 km in length thatare reversly zoned from olivine gabbro cores to quartz dioriterims. The felsic rocks dip inward beneath the mafic core, indicatingthat this zoning reversal continues to depth. The zoned plutonshave relatively shallow keels. We interpret the reversed zoningas an emplacement feature, analogous to the compositional zoningin a zoned tephra sheet. It formed as a result of tapping analready zoned, deeper level magma chamber. Whether the originalzoning of the magma was concentric or stratiform cannot be readilydeduced. During emplacement, considerable amounts of cumulaterocks were mobilized. The mineralogy and geochemistry of the reversely zoned plutonsindicate that they contain two suites of rocks: a cumulate suiterepresented by olivine gabbro and olivine clinopyroxenite anda differentiated suite of non-cumulate olivine gabbros, gabbronorites,and diorites that lie along a compositional continuum and approximateliquid compositions. Plagioclase and olivine compositions inthe Smartville Complex cumulate suite are identical to thosein modern arc cumulates and are characteristic of the arc cumulatesuite. The differentiated rocks form a compositionally continuousseries that is geochemically very similar to a differentiatedsuite of arc tholeiitic basalts and andesites. Fractionationmodeling indicates that removal of mineral phases found in thecumulate gabbros from the mafic members of the differentiatedsuite can produce the lithologic variation seen in the zonedplutons. Plutons such as those in the Smartville Complex indicatethat there is a genetic link between cumulate rocks and a basalt-andesitefractionation trend in arcs, supporting the hypothesis thatarc andesites form by crystal fractionation. The gabbroic plutonsand related Alaska-type ultramafic complexes contain ultramaficcumulates that can rectify the discrepancy between the cumulatemode predicted by fractionation models and the observed modeof gabbroic cumulates in arcs.
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