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Compound-specific stable carbon isotope analysis as a tool for correlating coal-sourced oils and interbedded shale-sourced oils in coal measures: an example from Turpan basin, north-western China
Authors:Yongge Sun   Guoying Sheng   Ping'an Peng  Jiamo Fu
Abstract:Molecular geochemical methods have shown that it is often difficult to differentiate between coal- and interbedded shale-sourced oils, even though coals and interbedded shales may exhibit considerable organic influx variation (e.g. land plant vs algal organic matter) due to the changes of depositional setting. However, compound-specific stable carbon isotopic compositions are sensitive to the source input variations. Typically, specific molecules are more depleted in 13C with increasing content of aqueous biota. This hypothesis is examined and exemplified by comparing the stable carbon isotopic ratios of n-alkanes from source rock extracts and related oils of the Turpan basin, north-western China. Stable carbon isotopic values of n-alkanes extracted from coals and interbedded shales show that δ13C values of n-alkanes with less than 20 carbon atoms vary only slightly. However, there are dramatic changes in the isotopic compositions of higher molecular weight n-alkanes. Furthermore, n-alkanes from coal extracts are enriched in 13C relative to that of interbedded shales with excursions up to 2–3‰. This comparison enables the differentiation of coal- and interbedded shale-sourced oils, and provides information useful in assessing the hydrocarbon system of a basin.
Keywords:Compound specific stable carbon isotope analysis   Coal-sourced oils   Interbedded shale-sourced oils   Productivities of biota   Turpan basin   China
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