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Debris disc stirring by secular perturbations from giant planets
Authors:Alexander J. Mustill   Mark C. Wyatt
Affiliation:Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0HA
Abstract:Detectable debris discs are thought to require dynamical excitation ('stirring'), so that planetesimal collisions release large quantities of dust. We investigate the effects of the secular perturbations of a planet, which may lie at a significant distance from the planetesimal disc, to see if these perturbations can stir the disc, and if so over what time-scale. The secular perturbations cause orbits at different semimajor axes to precess at different rates, and after some time   t cross  initially non-intersecting orbits begin to cross. We show that   t cross∝ a 9/2disc/( m pl e pl a 3pl)  , where   m pl, e pl  and   a pl  are the mass, eccentricity and semimajor axis of the planet, and   a disc  is the semimajor axis of the disc. This time-scale can be faster than that for the growth of planetesimals to Pluto's size within the outer disc. We also calculate the magnitude of the relative velocities induced among planetesimals and infer that a planet's perturbations can typically cause destructive collisions out to 100 s of au. Recently formed planets can thus have a significant impact on planet formation in the outer disc which may be curtailed by the formation of giant planets much closer to the star. The presence of an observed debris disc does not require the presence of Pluto-sized objects within it, since it can also have been stirred by a planet not in the disc. For the star ε Eridani, we find that the known radial velocity planet can excite the planetesimal belt at 60 au sufficiently to cause destructive collisions of bodies up to 100 km in size, on a time-scale of 40 Myr.
Keywords:circumstellar matter    planetary systems: formation    stars: individual: ε Eridani    stars: individual: Fomalhaut    planetary systems: protoplanetary discs
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