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The Breccia Museo formation, Campi Flegrei, southern Italy: geochronology, chemostratigraphy and relationship with the Campanian Ignimbrite eruption
Authors:Lorenzo Fedele  Claudio Scarpati  Marvin Lanphere  Leone Melluso  Vincenzo Morra  Annamaria Perrotta  Gennaro Ricci
Affiliation:(1) Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università di Napoli “Federico II”, via Mezzocannone 8, 80134 Naples, Italy;(2) US Geological Survey, 345 Middlefield Road, Menlo Park, CA 94925, USA;(3) Largo S. Marcellino 10, Naples, 80134, Italy
Abstract:The Breccia Museo is one of the most debated volcanic formations of the Campi Flegrei volcanic district. The deposit, made up of six distinctive stratigraphic units, has been interpreted by some as the proximal facies of the major caldera-forming Campanian Ignimbrite eruption, and by others as the product of several, more recent, independent and localized events. New geochemical and chemostratigraphical data and Ar–Ar age determinations for several units of the Breccia Museo deposits (~39 ka), correlate well with the Campanian Ignimbrite-forming eruption. The chemical zoning of the Breccia Museo deposits is interpreted here to be a consequence of a three-stage event that tapped a vertically zoned trachytic magma chamber. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
Keywords:Campi Flegrei  Breccia Museo  Campanian Ignimbrite  Chemical zoning  Caldera  Volcanology  Chemostratigraphy
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