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Petrology of Felsic Granulites, Metapelites, Metabasics, Ultramafics, and Metacarbonates from Southern Calabria (Italy): Prograde Metamorphism, Uplift and Cooling of a Former Lower Crust
Institution:Institut für Mineralogie, Ruhr-Universität Postfach 10 21 48, D-4630 Bochum, W. Germany
Abstract:A high-grade metamorphic terrane in the southern part of theCalabrian massif (South Italy) has been petrographically mappedand the dominant rock types petrologically investigated. Bothmethods of investigation have led to the recognition of a continuoussection through a former lower crust which is ~7 km thick. Itslower part consists predominantly of metabasic rocks togetherwith minor felsic granulites, its upper part of metapeliteswith minor metabasic and metacarbonate rocks. The rocks experienced a common two-stage prograde metamorphicevolution in which the second stage occurred after the lastpenetrative deformation. The prograde metamorphism which, accordingto radiometric dates, ended in late Hercynian time, was of themedium-pressure type of Miyashiro (1961), and equilibrationoccurred in the ‘medium-pressure granulite field’(characterized by the instability of olivine-plagioclase aswell as garnet-clinopyroxene-quartz). Estimates of the highestPT conditions of prograde metamorphism give 7–8kb and approximately 800°C at the base, but 5–6 kband 650–700°C at the top of the section, at whichthe paragenesis staurolite-quartz indicates the transition tothe amphibolite facies. The existence of a metamorphic gradientin the lower crust section is demonstrated by the systematicchange in the compositions of ferro-magnesian minerals in divariantmetapelitic assemblages. The metamorphic evolution during the excavation history of theformer lower crust has been reconstructed using the numerousdisequilibrium reaction textures preserved in most rock types.The highest metamorphic conditions ended with a pressure decreaseof approximately 1.5 to 2 kb, which was followed by a periodof quasi-isobaric cooling in the middle crust. During this cooling,the stability field of the ‘high-pressure granulites’(garnet-clinopyroxene-quartz) was reached. The pressure decrease, which induced the end of the high-temperaturehistory of the lower crust, is interpreted as reflecting theerosion of the uppermost crustal levels as a response to overlappingof large crustal segments during the Hercynian orogeny. Consequently,the deduced PT path of the upper, i.e. overthrust crustalsegment is thought to have been tectonically controlled.
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