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On the polarization of Hα scattered by neutral hydrogen in active galactic nuclei
Authors:Hee-Won Lee,&   Jong-Hyeun Yun
Affiliation:Department of Astronomy, Seoul National University, Kwanaka-Ku, Shillim-Dong, Seoul, 151-742, Korea
Abstract:Raman scattering by atomic hydrogen converts the UV continuum around Lyβ into optical continuum around Hα, and the basic atomic physics has been discussed in several works on symbiotic stars. We propose that the same process may operate in active galactic nuclei (AGN) and calculate the linear polarization of the broad emission lines Raman-scattered by high-column neutral hydrogen component. The conversion efficiency of the Raman scattering process is discussed and the expected scattered flux is computed using the spectral energy distribution of an AGN given by a typical power law. The high-column H  i component in AGN is suggested by many observations, encompassing the radio through UV and X-ray ranges.   When neutral hydrogen component with a column density ∼1022 cm−2 is present around the active nucleus, it is found that the scattered Hα is characterized by a very broad width ∼20 000 km s−1 and that the strength of the polarized flux is comparable to that of the electron-scattered flux expected from a conventional unified model of narrow-line AGN. The width of the scattered flux is mainly determined by the column density of the neutral scatterers where the total scattering optical depth becomes of order unity. The asymmetry in the Raman scattering cross-section around Lyβ introduces red asymmetric polarized profiles around Hα. The effects of the blended Lyβ and O  vi 1034 doublet are also investigated.   We briefly discuss the spectropolarimetric observations performed on the Seyfert galaxy IRAS 110548-1131 and the narrow line radio galaxy Cyg A. Several predictions regarding the scattering by the high-column neutral hydrogen component in AGN are discussed.
Keywords:polarization    radiation mechanisms: non-thermal    scattering    galaxies: active    galaxies: nuclei
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