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Modification of Jupiter’s stratosphere three weeks after the 2009 impact
Authors:Kelly E. Fast  Theodor Kostiuk  Timothy A. Livengood  Tilak Hewagama  John Annen
Affiliation:a Planetary Systems Laboratory, Code 693, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771, United States
b National Center for Earth and Space Science Education, PO Box 3806, Capitol Heights, MD 20791-3806, United States
c Department of Astronomy, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742-2421, United States
Abstract:Infrared spectroscopy sensitive to thermal emission from Jupiter’s stratosphere reveals effects persisting 23 days after the impact of a body in late July 2009. Measurements obtained on 2009 August 11 UT at the impact latitude of 56°S (planetocentric), using the Goddard Heterodyne Instrument for Planetary Wind and Composition mounted on the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility, reveal increased ethane abundance and the effects of aerosol opacity. An interval of reduced thermal continuum emission at 11.744 μm is measured ∼60-80° towards planetary east of the impact site, estimated to be at 305° longitude (System III). Retrieved stratospheric ethane mole fraction in the near vicinity of the impact site is enhanced by up to ∼60% relative to quiescent regions at this latitude. Thermal continuum emission at the impact site, and somewhat west of it, is significantly enhanced in the same spectra that retrieve enhanced ethane mole fraction. Assuming that the enhanced continuum brightness near the impact site results from thermalized aerosol debris blocking contribution from the continuum formed in the upper troposphere and indicating the local temperature, then continuum emission by a haze layer can be approximated by an opaque surface inserted at the 45-60 mbar pressure level in the stratosphere in an unperturbed thermal profile, setting an upper limit on the pressure and therefore a lower limit on the altitude of the top of the impact debris at this time. The reduced continuum brightness east of the impact site can be modeled by an opaque surface near the cold tropopause, which is consistent with a lower altitude of ejecta/impactor-formed opacity. The physical extent of the observed region of reduced continuum implies a minimum average velocity of 21 m/s transporting material prograde (planetary east) from the impact.
Keywords:Jupiter, Atmosphere   Impact processes   Infrared observations   Atmospheres, Composition   Atmospheres, Dynamics
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