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Lower Cretaceous magnetic stratigraphy in Umbrian pelagic carbonate rocks
Authors:William Lowrie  Walter Alvarez  Isabella Premoli Silva  Simonetta Monechi
Affiliation:Institut für Geophysik, ETH Honggerberg, CH-8093 Zürich, Switzerland;Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720, USA;Istituto di Paleontologia, University of Milan, Milan, Italy;Istituto di Geologia, University of Florence, Florence, Italy
Abstract:Summary. A record of geomagnetic field polarity for the Barremian, Aptian and Albian stages of the Early Cretaceous has been derived in three over-lapping sections of pelagic carbonate rocks in the Umbrian Apennines of northern Italy. The remanence carrier in the greyish-white Majolica limestone and Fucoid Marls is magnetite, with haematite also an important constituent in a zone of 'couches rouges' within the Fucoid Marls. The weak remanent magnetizations were measured with a cryogenic magnetometer. Alternating field or thermal demagnetization was used to isolate the characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM) in 655 specimens from 248 stratigraphic levels. The samples respond positively to a tectonic fold test, indicating that the ChRM predates the Late Tertiary folding of the Umbrian sequence. The magnetic stratigraphy derived from variations of virtual geomagnetic pole latitude clearly defines the recognizable reversal pattern associated with Mesozoic marine magnetic anomalies M0 to M4. The sections have been zones palaeontologically on the basis of planktonic foraminifera and calcareous nannofossil assemblages. The ages of magnetic anomalies M0 to M4 determined in this way are somewhat older than those in the reversal time scale of Larson & Hilde (1975). Anomaly M0 is located in the Early Aptian, close to the Aptian/Barremian boundary. A long period of normal polarity in the Aptian and Albian corresponds to the early part of the Cretaceous magnetic quiet zone. It is interrupted in the Late Aptian by a reversal which we find in only one of the Fucoid Marl sections, and which has not been reported in oceanic magnetic anomaly investigations.
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