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Ageing of Dissolved Halogenated Humic Substances and the Microbiological Influence on this Process
Authors:K. G. Heumann,G. Rä  dlinger,M. Erbes,I. Heiber,U. Obst,Z. Filip,H. Claus
Abstract:The distribution of halogens in various fractions of humic substances (HS), separated by their molecular weight, was found to be different for the different halogens. This was demonstrated for chlorine, bromine, and iodine in sewage and brown water samples by applying inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry coupled with size‐exclusion chromatography. Quantification of the different fractions of iodinated humic substances was obtained by quadrupole mass spectrometry in connection with the isotope dilution technique using an 129I‐enriched spike solution. Quantitative analysis was not possible for the corresponding chlorine and bromine species because of spectrometric interferences in the quadrupole instrument. The ageing of HS/halogen species was followed with respect to possible transformations of these species in a ground and sewage water sample up to eight weeks. Even if a distinct structural variation of the humic substance was observed with time by measuring the UV absorption, chlorine remained in the same molecular weight fraction and only a small change was found for the HS/bromine species after eight weeks. In contrast to these findings a substantial transformation of HS/iodine compounds took place, which demonstrated that the transfer probability of halogens from one to another HS fraction is increased with decreasing strength of the halogen bond to carbon. By comparing the results of an original sewage water sample with a filtered one and with another one which was enriched by microorganisms cultivated from the same original sample, a strong microbiological influence on the transformation of HS/iodine species was found. A quantitative balance of the corresponding HS/iodine fractions was calculated for an ageing period of eight weeks showing that iodine was preferably transferred to newly formed UV active HS substances of high molecular weight. In total, no iodine was released from the humic substances.
Keywords:Halogenated Humic Substances  Ageing  Microbiological Influence  Size‐exclusion Chromatography  ICP‐MS Halogen Detection  Halogenierte Huminstoffe  Alterung  Mikrobieller Einfluss  Gelfiltrationschromatographie  ICP‐MS‐Halogendetektion
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