摘 要: | Two stages of platinum mineralization, i.e., the main stage contemporaneous with Cu-Ni sulfide ores and the hydrothermal stage are recognizable in the platinum-bearing Cu-Ni sulfide deposit under investigation. In addition to antimonian michenerite-testibio palladite which occur in both stages, sperrylite, cooperite and osmian laurite are formed in the first stage and the presence of sudbryite and nicleoan sudbryite characterizes the second. Statistics shows different correlations among Cu, Ni, Pt, and Pd in the two stages.Being rich in Ni, the main stage exhibits a close correlation between Pt-, Pd-mineralization and Cu, with roughly equal tenors of Pt and Pd. During the second stage Cu is enriched, accompanied by increasingly strong mineralization of Pd while the mineralization of Pt is developed to a less extent and closely related with Ni. In the first stage the correlation between Pt and Os, Ru, Ir is notable, while that between Pd and Rh is intimate. According to occurrence, texture and structure of the sulfide ores, the main platinum mineralization is considered to have taken place through sulfide segregationinjection during magmatie stage. The second platinum mineralization is a typical hydrothermal process related with basic-ultrabasic magma.