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Calculations of activity-composition relations in multi-site solid solutions: the example of AB2O4 spinels
Authors:Jean Lehmann  Jacques Roux
Affiliation:1. CRSCM, G.I.S. BRGM-CNRS, 1 A, rue de la Férollerie, 45045, Orleans Cédex, France
Abstract:A model to calculate activities in multisite solutions like spinels, from a general expression of the Gibbs free energy is developped. The free energy is written as that of a solution with ideal mixing of cations on each sublattice corrected by any suitable higher order terms. It is shown that activities of ith end-member can be simply written: $${text{act (}}i{text{) = (}}gamma _i {text{/}}gamma _i^{text{0}} {text{)}}mathop prod limits_j (N_j /N_j^0 )^{P(j,{text{ }}i)} .$$ N j are site occupancy fractions; the γ i are equal to one for the ideal multisite model and depend only on the higher order corrections to this model; 0 indicate values for the i th end member. The exponents in the matrix P are integers and constants. The activities cannot be expressed explicitly as function of the macroscopic composition. The site occupancy fractions which minimize the Gibbs free energy must be calculated first solving a set of non linear equations which define the internal equilibrium conditions. The (Fe2+, Mg) (Al, Cr, Fe3+) spinel are used to illustrate these calculations. For multicomponent AB2O4 spinels activity expressions derived for the reference ideal multisite mixing model are: $${text{act (AB}}_{text{2}} {text{O}}_{text{4}} {text{) = }}frac{{({text{A}})[{text{B}}]^2 }}{{({text{A}})_0 [{text{B}}]_0^2 }}$$ (A): fraction of tetrahedral sites occupied by A2+; [B]: fraction of octahedral sites occupied by B3+. Because the site occupancy fractions at equilibrium are not independent (but related by the internal equilibrium relations) many equivalent expressions of the activities can be obtained. Finally approximations proposed in the literature to obtain simple explicit activity-concentration relationships are discussed.
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