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Bottom-current deposits in the Miocene–Pliocene Misaki Formation, Izu forearc area, Japan
Affiliation:Institute of Geoscience, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba 305–8571, Japan
Abstract:Sedimentary structures in the middle–late Miocene to early Pliocene Misaki Formation, Miura Group, Miura Peninsula, Central Japan, were studied, and paleocurrent data were interpreted as the result of deep-sea bottom-current flow. These current data were further compared with present-day bottom currents in the northwestern Pacific region. The Misaki Formation is thought to be a forearc deposit within the Izu oceanic arc, and is composed of thick volcaniclastic beds interbedded with siliceous biogenic clayey sediments. Sedimentary structures showing paleocurrent directions are involved in the upper part of the volcaniclastic beds, in the pumiceous beds just above the volcaniclastic beds, and in the pelagic sediments. Based on paleomagnetic data suggesting considerable rotation of the beds, all the current directions were reconstructed to their original orientation. The paleocurrents are summarized into the following three groups. The first group in the volcaniclastic beds indicates southeast-directed paleocurrent directions. The second group in the upper parts of volcaniclastic beds and in some pumiceous beds exhibits a southwest- and northeast-directed paleoflow. The third group usually observed in the pumiceous beds with parallel lamination displays a northwest- or southeast-directed paleocurrent. The origin of each group's paleoflow direction is attributed to turbidity current, internal tidal current, and contour current influences, respectively. Present-day observations of the deep-sea northwest Pacific suggest that most of the bottom-current indicators in the Misaki Formation are related to North Pacific Deep Water, possibly Antarctic Bottom Water as well as a combination of tidal and local effects. It is concluded that the beds of the Misaki Formation were deposited in the proto-Sagami basin ca 9 Ma and were formed under weak bottom currents in a wide and flat basin during colder climatic conditions, whereas the beds dated at ca 6 Ma were deposited under strong bottom-current flow, and were then accreted to the Honshu arc.
Keywords:bottom current    contourite    Izu forearc    Miocene    Misaki Formation
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