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Petrologic Reconnaissance of Franciscan Metagraywackes from the Diablo Range, Central California Coast Ranges
Authors:ERNST   W. G.
Affiliation:Department of Geology and Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, University of California Los Angeles, California 90024
Abstract:The complexly folded and faulted Diablo antiform representsa core of pervasively metamorphosed Late Mesozoic Franciscanrocks surrounded by roughly contemporaneous, less deformed,only feebly recrystallized Great Valley strata. The contactbetween the two lithologic series is nearly everywhere a high-anglethrust, the Ortigalita fault. Thin sections of 679 metaclastics from the 3000 km2 Franciscanarea of the Diablo Range have been studied. A very rough correlationseems to exist between the degree of textural reconstitutionand phase assemblage. Many feebly metamorphosed Franciscan rockscontain relict clastic biotite; chlorite, white mica, and minoramounts of pumpellyite appear to be newly generated from claysand detrital plagioclase which has been albitized. In more thoroughlyrecrystallized Franciscan rocks, lawsonite has grown by hydrationof the minor An component of plagioclase, but more commonlyby the inferred interaction of interstitial clays+calcium carbonate;some of these rocks carry metamorphic aragonite. Intensely recrystallizedFranciscan metagraywackes contain jadeitic pyroxene±glaucophane.The observed changes in mineral assemblages are thought to reflectprogressive pressure increment at nearly constant temperature. In the north-western portion of the Range, jadeitic metaclasticrocks are located along the faulted margin of the antiform.Elsewhere there appears to be no clear relationship betweensystematic Franciscan parageneses and the tectonic contact withrocks of the Great Valley sequence. Evidently Diablo Range metaclasticassemblages do not owe their present areal distribution to apostulated process involving tectonic overpressures accompanyingthrusting of the Great Valley strata over the Franciscan alongthe Ortigalita fault. Jadeitic pyroxenebearing metagraywackesalso appear to be unrelated to the emplacement of alpine-typeperidotites.
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