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Soil–landform development of a part of the fold belt along the eastern coast of Bangladesh
Authors:Md. Sharif Hossain Khan   B. Parkash  Sudhir Kumar  
Affiliation:aDepartment of Earth Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee 247 667, Uttranchal, India;bNational Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee 247 667, Uttranchal, India
Abstract:The evolution of landforms and soils from the Jaldi and Maiskhali anticlines and adjoining areas in a part of the coastal region of the north–south trending fold belt of Bangladesh during the Late Quaternary Period has been investigated. Based on the degree of soil development and luminescence dating, eight soil geomorphic units have been deciphered and grouped into four members (I–IV) of a morphostratigraphic sequence for the study area. Various soil geomorphic units included in different member/sub-members are: Member I—river floodplains and active tidal flats (< 500 years); Member II—distal Piedmont Plains and old tidal flats (0.5–2 ka); Member III—proximal Piedmont Plains (6–10 ka); and Member IV—Mainland Higher and Lower Hillocks and Island Hillocks (> 15 ka). Member IV is further subdivided into Sub-member IVa—Island Hillocks (15–18 ka); Sub-member IVb—Mainland Lower Hillocks (23–25 ka); and Sub-member IVc—Mainland Higher Hillocks (30–35 ka).The youngest and poorly developed soils of Member I show features related to hydromorphism. Moderately developed soils of Members II and III show a fersiallitisation stage of pedogenesis. Member IV includes ‘strongly developed soils’ with a ferrugination stage of pedogenesis. These soils also exhibit degradation and poor birefringence of argillans and ferriargillans, indicating a significant change in conditions of pedogenesis, probably related to a paleoclimatic change from a subhumid to semiarid phase (40 ka to about 16 ka) to a hot humid to subhumid phase (16 ka–present). Parent material composition and physiography also have affected the pedogenesis in the area.Based on ages and heights above the mean sea level for the five terraces recognized in the study area, the overall base-level rise rates calculated are about 3.6 mm/year (18 ka–present) for the Maiskhali Island and 2.86 mm/year (35 ka–present) for the mainland (Jaldi anticline). These base level changes represent combined effects of eustatic sea level and tectonic uplift due to folding.
Keywords:Bangladesh   Soil   Landform   Morphostratigraphy
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