摘 要: | The physical effects of topography and heat bources on the formation and maintenance of the summer monsoon over Asia are discussed ia this paper by using the transformed Eularian-mean equations and a quasi-geostrophic 34-level spherical coordinate model.The computed results of the divergence of the E-P flux, the induced meridional circulation and the perturbation geostrophic wind speed induced by the forcing of topography and heat sources show that the diabatic heating effect over the Tibetan Plateau may play an important role for the formation and maintenance of the summer monsoon over Asia, which is much greater than the dynamical effect of topography.The computed results also show that, of the physical effects of topography and heat sources on the formation and maintenance of the summer monsoon over Asia, the effect of forced meridional circulation is larger than that of the divergence of E-P flux of the induced waves.