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摘    要:地幔是地壳铂族元素富集的主要源库。铂族元素迁移主要有两个途径:(1)地幔部分熔融物质侵入地壳;(2)地幔板片就位于俯冲/碰撞带。前一途径比后一途径重要得多。地幔物质进入地壳造成铂族元素富集并成为可供开采的主矿产而非副产品,这一过程可包含许多成矿作用机制:(i)基性侵入体中Ni-Cu硫化物矿浆的发育,岩浆冷却与分离结晶作用导致富含Cu,Pt,Pd的硫化物矿浆的形成;(ii)层状侵入体一定层位形成高品位的铂族元素硫化物层,伴生或不伴生铬铁岩;(iii)富铂族元素及硫化物的岩浆沿着层状侵入体的边缘就位;(iv)直至层状侵入体结晶分异作用晚期的硫化物不混溶滞后分离;(v)不发育硫化物不混溶作用的铬铁矿结晶作用;(vi)低程度硫化物浸染带中的热液作用与铂族元素富集;(vii)乌拉尔-阿拉斯加型侵入体重结晶过程中的铂族元素与铬铁矿的次生富集作用,岩体在风化过程中形成砂矿床;(viii)黑色页岩形成过程中Pt的富集。南非布什维尔德火成杂岩蕴藏世界Pt资源的75%,Pd资源的54%,Rh资源的82%,并具有(ii)、(iii)、(iv)、(v)、(vi)成矿作用的实例。在这些作用中,作用(ii)形成的现有经济储量和资源量占90%,作用(iii)占9%。Merensky矿层(占总资源量30%)是一个铂族元素富集层位,它含1~3铬铁矿薄层,在可采宽度内硫化物平均含量为1%~3%(质量分数)。硫化物一般被认为是铂族元素的主要聚集体。该矿层由两个或两个以上含硫化物的基性热岩浆上升汇聚而成。这些岩浆的汇聚造成超镁铁质堆晶岩的厚度(主要是斜方辉石岩,某些地区包括橄榄岩)变化于50cm至数米之间。开采通常集中在厚度不到1m的地带。矿层的成因至今仍存在争议,一些观点认为铂族元素来自下部上升的热液流体,另一些观点认为铂族元素来自上部岩浆的硫化物沉降作用,并形成了Merensky辉石岩。已经知道矿层上覆的辉石岩、苏长岩和斜长岩中矿物来自两种岩浆类型:一种富含MgO(12%,质量分数)和Cr,而贫Al2O3(12%);另一种含典型的粒玄岩成分。UG-2铬铁岩含有全部经济资源量的58%,由一0.6~1m厚的铬铁岩层(有时见辉石岩夹层)和上覆的1~3层由铬铁矿所构成的薄层。虽然硫化物被认为至少是某些情况下对铂族元素的富集起作用,但UG-2的硫化物含量(0.5%~1.5%)显著低于Merensky矿层。UG-2层之下共有13个铬铁岩层位,所有的都含铂族元素,虽然铂族元素总含量和(Pt+Pd)/(Ru+Ir+Os)比值远低于UG-2。UG-2内所含的辉石岩"夹层"具高的87Sr/86Sr比值,说明与顶部熔融岩石的混合促进了铬铁岩和硫化物的形成。作用(iii)的主要实例是Platreef。目前它占总资源量的9%。不过,沿该带正积极开展找矿勘探工作,这一比例将来还会提高。这一矿层的厚度比Merensky和UG-2都要大,目前开采厚度达50多米。Platreef呈带状,上部为斜方辉石岩的堆晶岩;下部为辉石岩、长石辉石岩和苏长岩,它们与页岩、铁矿层和白云岩强烈相互作用,直接形成了底盘岩石。笔者认为Platreef是不同期次岩浆作用的结果,这些作用形成了不同的单元产物,包括布什维尔德主岩浆房的UG-2和Merensky矿层。新的岩浆进入主岩浆房会造成先存岩浆移位、岩浆错动并会冲破岩浆房的壁。圆筒状、带状岩管中的超镁铁岩含极高的Pt品位,在布什维尔德杂岩的下部切穿堆晶层,被认为是热液再活化的产物。它们现在未被开采,只是构成存封的铂族元素资源,对整个杂岩体资源没有重要的贡献。

关 键 词:铂族元素矿床  布什维尔德杂岩  铬铁矿

Tony Naldrett,Judith Kinnaird,Allan Wilson,Gordon Chunnett. THE CONCENTRATION OF PGE IN THE EARTH'S CRUST WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE BUSHVELD COMPLEX[J]. Earth Science Frontiers, 2008, 15(5): 264
Authors:Tony Naldrett  Judith Kinnaird  Allan Wilson  Gordon Chunnett
Affiliation:1. School of Geosciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg,South Africa
2. Anglo Platinum, Johannesburg, South Africa
Abstract:The Earth's mantle is the principal reservoir from which platinum-group element (PGE) concentrations in the crust are derived. The transfer of the PGE is accomplished by two main methods, first the development of mantle partial melts and their intrusion into the crust, and second the emplacement of mantle slabs in the subduction/collision zones. The first mechanism is far more important than the second. Once in the crust, a number of mechanisms serve to concentrate the PGE sufficiently and they can be exploited economically as the principal product, rather than as a by-product. These include (i) the development of an Ni-Cu sulfide liquid in a mafic intrusion, the concentration of this liquid, followed by cooling and fractional crystallization that results in a residual sulfide liquid highly enriched in Cu, Pt, and Pd;(ii) the formation of layers of very high-PGE tenor sulfides at specific horizons within a layered intrusion, either with or without associated chromitite;(iii) the emplacement of magma carrying PGE-rich sulfide along the margins of layered intrusions;(iv) the delayed separation of immiscible sulfides until the late stages of the differentiation of a layered intrusion;(v) chromite crystallization without the development of sulfide immiscibility;(vi) hydrothermal redistribution and concentration of PGE from zones of low grade disseminated sulfide;(vii) secondary concentration of PGE along with chromite during recrystallization of Ural-Alaskan intrusions and the subsequent development of placer deposits during the weathering of these bodies;and (viii) the concentration of Pt during the formation of black shale deposits.The Bushveld Igneous Complex of South Africa hosts 75% of the world's resources of Pt, 54% of Pd resources, and 82% of Rh resources, and contains examples of mineralization formed by processes (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), and (vi) listed a little earlier in the article. Of these, process (ii) accounts for 90% of the current economic reserves and resources, and type (iii) for 9%. The Merensky Reef (32% of total resources) is a PGE-enriched horizon that contains 1 - 3 thin seams of chromite, and an average of 1 - 3 wt% sulfide, across the mining width. The sulfides are thought to have been the principal collectors for PGE. The Reef results from two or more influxes of hot, sulfide-bearing, mafic magma that give rise to the horizon. The thickness of the ultramafic cumulates (mainly orthopyroxenite, although includes peridotite in some areas) as a result of these influxes and varies from 50 cm to several meters, although mining is usually focused on a zone that is rarely greater than 1 m in thickness. The genesis of the Reef is still debated, some arguing that the PGE have been concentrated from below by ascending hydrothermal fluids, and others arguing that they have been carried from above by sulfides settling from the magma, giving rise to the Merensky pyroxenites. What is clear is that the pyroxenite, norite, and anorthosite overlying the Reef are composed of minerals derived from two magma types, one rich in MgO (~12 wt%) and Cr and poor in Al2O3 (~12 wt%) and the other with the composition of a typical tholeiite. The UG-2 chromitite accounts for 58% of the economic resources, and comprises of a chromitite seam 60 cm - 1 m thick (sometimes divided by an internal parting of pyroxenite) and 1 - 3 overlying thinner seams of chromite. The sulfide content of UG-2 is significantly lower that that in the Merensky Reef, ranging from 0.5 to 1.5 wt%, although the sulfides are thought to have played a role in the concentration of at least some of the PGE. There are up to 13 chromitite horizons below that of the UG-2, and all contain PGE, although the total PGE contents and the (Pt+Pd)/(Ru+Ir+Os) ratios are much lower than those of UG-2. High 87Sr/86Sr ratios found within the pyroxenite "partings" within UG-2 suggest that mixing with melted roof rocks may have played a role in causing both chromitite and sulfide to form. The Platreef is the main example of type (iii) mineralization and currently accounts for 9% of the total resources, although active exploration is occurring along this zone and this proportion will probably rise in the future. The Reef is much thicker than the Merensky Reef and UG-2, and is currently mined open and cast over a thickness of about 50 m. The Platreef is zoned, ranging from an upper, orthopyroxene cumulate to a lower zone of pyroxenite, feldspathic pyroxenite, and norite that is interacted strongly with shale, iron formation, and dolomite sediments forming the immediate footwall. In this article, it is suggested that the Platreef is the consequence of several surges of magma that were responsible for different units, including the UG-2 and Merensky Reef, within the main chamber of the Bushveld. These magmas were displaced and exited up the walls of the chamber in response to new influxes of magma entering the main chamber. Cylindrical, zoned pipes of ultramafic rock containing very high Pt grades cut cumulates in the lower part of the Bushveld complex, and were thought to be the consequence of hydrothermal remobilization. None are currently in production, and they constitute a historic PGE resource that never contributed significantly to the overall resources of the complex.
Keywords:PGE deposits  Bushveld Complex  chromite
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