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Amphibole compositions and metamorphic history of the Rand Schist and the greenschist unit of the Catalina Schist,Southern California
Authors:C. E. Jacobson  S. S. Sorensen
Affiliation:(1) Department of Earth Sciences, Iowa State University, 50011 Ames, Iowa, USA;(2) Department of Earth and Space Sciences, University of California, 90024 Los Angeles, California, USA;(3) Present address: Department of Mineral Sciences, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, 20560 Washington, D.C., USA
Abstract:The Catalina Schist and Rand Schist are two high P/T terranes in southern California. The Catalina Schist is correlated with the Franciscan Complex and occurs in the continental borderland. It consists of a blueschist-facies melange tectonically overlain by a ldquogreenschistrdquo unit, which, in turn, is overthrust by an amphibolite unit. The greenschist unit itself is inversely zoned from epidote-amphibolite fades at the top through greenschist facies in the center to transitional blueschist-greenschist facies at the base. The Rand Schist is part of the eugeoclinal Pelona-Orocopia Schist terrane, which lies interior to the present continental margin, structurally beneath Precambrian to Mesozoic sialic basement. The Rand Schist is inversely zoned from epidote-amphibolite facies to transitional blueschist-greenschist facies, similar to the greenschist unit of the Catalina Schist.Two trends in amphibole composition, one from actinolite to hornblende in greenschists and epidote amphibolites (calcic series) and the other from actinolite through winchite to crossite in glaucophanic greenschists (sodic-calcic series), are present in both the Rand Schist and the greenschist unit of the Catalina Schist. The transition from actinolite to hornblende in the calcic series is defined by increases in tschermakite, edenite, and glaucophane substitution. Amphiboles of the sodic-calcic series differ mainly in the degree of glaucophanic substitution. The similarity of amphibole trends in the two terranes indicates that they were metamorphosed at approximately the same pressures and temperatures, and is evidence that the Rand Schist originated in a subduction zone, despite its present intracontinental setting.Most glaucophanic greenschists in the Rand and Catalina Schists contain both a sodic and a calcic member of the sodic-calcic series. Textural relations indicate that calcic members generally developed after the sodic ones. This implies that sodic amphibole formerly may have been present in many of the structurally higher greenschists and epidote amphibolites. Preservation of the inverted zonations, as well as microstructural evidence for the syntectonic development of calcic and sodic-calcic amphiboles, suggest that glaucophanic greenschists, greenschists, and epidote amphibolites all formed during underthrusting (subduction). This contrasts with many orogenic belts, where replacement of blueschists by greenschists to amphibolites is attributed to thermal reequilibration during erosional unroofing.
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