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Crustal structure and local seismicity in Colombia
Authors:Anibal Ojeda  Jens Havskov
Affiliation:(1) Institute of Solid Earth Physics, University of Bergen, Allégaten 41, 5007 Bergen, Norway;(2) National Seismological Network of Colombia, INGEOMINAS, Dg. 53 # 34-53 Santafé de Bogotá, Colombia
Abstract:Using P-wave travel time data from local seismicity, the crustal structure ofthe central and southern part of Colombia was determined. A very stableand narrow range of possible velocity models for the region was obtainedusing travel time inversion. This range of models was tested with earthquakelocations to select the best velocity model. The 1D velocity modelproposed has five layers over a halfspace, with interfaces at depths of 4,25, 32, 40 and 100 km and P-wave velocities of 4.8, 6.6, 7.0, 8.0, 8.1and 8.2 km/sec, respectively. According to this model the Moho lies at32 km depth on average. For P-waves, the station corrections range from–0.62 to 0.44 sec and for S-wave they range from –1.17 to 0.62 sec.These low variations in station residuals indicate small lateral velocitychanges and therefore the velocity model found should be well suited forearthquake locations and future starting model for 3D tomography studies.Using this new velocity model, the local earthquakes were relocated. Theshallow seismicity, < 30 km, clearly shows the borders betweentectonic plates and also the main fault systems in the region. The deepseismicity, > 80 km, shows two subduction zones in the country: theCauca subduction zone with a strike of N120°E, dip of 35°and thickness of 35 km, and the Bucaramanga subduction zone which has,for the northern part, a strike of N103°E, dip of 27° andthickness undetermined and, for the southern part, a strike ofN115°E, dip of 40° and thickness of 20 km. Based ondifferences of thickness of brittle crust in the subducted slab and spatialdistribution of the seismicity, the Cauca and Bucaramanga subduction zonesseem to represent independent processes. The Cauca subduction seems tobe connected to the process of the Nazca plate being subducted under theNorth Andes Block. In the Bucaramanga subduction zone, the transitionbetween southern and northern parts and changes in geometry of the slabseem to be gradual and there is no evidence of a tear in the slab, howeverthe local seismicity does not allow us to determine which plate or plates arebeing subducted. The Bucaramanga nest appears to be included into thesubducted slab.
Keywords:Colombia  crustal structure  earthquake location  seismicity  travel time inversion
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