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Slow solar wind: Sources and components of the stream structure at the solar maximum
Authors:K. V. Vladimirsky  N. A. Lotova  V. N. Obridko
Affiliation:(1) Lebedev Institute of Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskii pr. 53, Moscow, 117924, Russia;(2) Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere, and Radiowave Propagation, Russian Academy of Sciences, Troitsk, Moscow oblast, 142190, Russia
Abstract:We study the sources and components of the solar-wind spatial stream structure at the maximum of the solar cycle 23. In our analysis, we use several independent sets of experimental data: radio-astronomical observations of scattered radiation from compact sources with the determination of the distance from the Sun to the inner boundary of the transonic-flow transition region (Rin); calculated data on the magnetic-field intensity and structure in the solar corona, in the solar-wind source region, obtained from optical measurements of the photospheric magnetic-field intensity at the Stanford Solar Observatory (USA); and observations of the white-light corona with the LASCO coronograph onboard the SOHO spacecraft. We show that at the solar maximum, low-speed streams with a transition region located far from the Sun dominate in the solar-wind structure. A correlation analysis of the location of the inner boundary Rin and the source-surface magnetic-field intensity |B R | on a sphere R=2.5RS (RS is the solar radius) has revealed the previously unknown lowest-speed streams, which do not fit into the regular relationship between the parameters Rin and |B R |. In the white-light corona, the sources of these streams are located near the dark strip, a coronal region with a greatly reduced density; the nonstandard parameters of the streams probably result from the interaction of several discrete sources of different types.
Keywords:solar wind  heliosphere  solar magnetic fields
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