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Mineralogy and textural relationships among sulphosalts and related minerals in the Bleikvassli Zn-Pb-(Cu) deposit, Nordland, Norway
Authors:N. J. Cook  P. G. Spry  F. M. Vokes
Affiliation:Mineralogisches Institut der Universit?t Würzburg, Am Hubland, D-97074 Würzburg, Germany, DE
Department of Geological Sciences, Iowa State University, 253 Science Hall, Ames, Iowa 50011-3212, United States of America, US
Institutt for Geologi og Bergteknikk, Norges tekniske-naturvitenskapelige Universitet, N-7034 Trondheim, Norway, NO
Abstract:Several distinct assemblages of Pb-Sb, Pb-As, Cu-Pb-Sb and Cu-Fe-Zn-Sn sulphosalts are identified in sulphide samples from Bleikvassli mine, Norway. Detailed optical microscopy and electron probe microanalysis have permitted investigation of textural relationships between minerals and compositional variations between different ore types. Tetrahedrite, typically containing 10–16?wt.% Ag (rare freibergite containing 25–30?wt.% Ag has also been identified in two samples), stannite (Cu2(Fe>Zn)SnS4), and meneghinite, CuPb13Sb7S24, are widely distributed as trace constituents throughout massive pyritic and galena-rich ores. Native antimony and pyrargyrite occur in trace amounts in all ore types, as the breakdown products of earlier sulphosalts. Several distinct types of wall-rock mineralisation are present at Bleikvassli. Of considerable mineralogical interest are the coarse-grained sulphide mobilisates within the wall rock which contain a distinct?and characteristic suite of Pb-As sulphosalts:?tennantite?+?jordanite (Pb14As6S23)?+?seligmannite (CuPbAsS3) ± dufrenoysite (Pb2As2S5). Bournonite (CuPbSbS3) is the only Sb-bearing sulphosalt recognised in significant amounts within the mobilisates, meneghinite and tetrahedrite being conspicuously absent. These mobilisates display considerable Au enrichment; electrum can be confirmed, intimately associated with jordanite and tennantite. Appreciable Sb (up to 3?wt.%) is contained within galena in the mobilisates, in contrast to galena from massive ores which contains only negligible Sb. Contents of Ag and Bi in galena vary considerably in all ore types, but confirm earlier suggestions that galena is a major Ag-carrier at Bleikvassli. Boulangerite (Pb5Sb4S11), jamesonite (FePb4Sb6S14) and gudmundite (FeSbS) occur in trace amounts. Sn-sulphosalts are represented by kësterite, (Cu2(Zn> Fe)SnS4), but commonly zoned with respect to Zn/Fe ratio, in the mobilisates, rather than by stannite. A rare type of mobilisate, also in the wall rock, in which chalcocite and bornite are the main minerals, contains native Ag, stromeyerite (AgCuS), mckinstryite ((Ag,Cu)2?S), Ag-free tetrahedrite, an unnamed Cu-Ag-Fe sulphide (Cu3Ag2FeS4) and native Bi, myrmekitically intergrown with chalcocite. Although a comprehensive genetic model for the wall-rock mineralisation at Bleikvassli is largely impossible given the limitations in the present state of knowledge regarding mechanisms involved in remobilisation processes, a multi-stage model of remobilisation during regional metamorphism is considered to best explain the observations. An interplay of different solid- and liquid-state remobilisation mechanisms, in various combinations, is required to account for the macro- and microscopic observations. Remobilisation probably began during the earlier stages of metamorphism, with crystallisation and further remobilisation taking place during the entire metamorphic cycle, giving rise to the extensive chemical and mineralogical diversity observed today. Preserved mineral assemblages and their textural relationships reflect a complex sequence of replacement and decomposition reactions taking place during the latest phase of late-metamorphic crystallisation and subsequent cooling.
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