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引用本文:王焰新. 我国北方岩溶泉域生态修复策略研究——以晋祠泉为例[J]. 中国岩溶, 2022, 41(3): 331-344. doi: 10.11932/karst20220301
作者单位:中国地质大学(武汉), 湖北 武汉 430074
摘    要:我国北方岩溶分布面积广,岩溶泉水资源丰富,是岩溶区工农业及居民生活的优质供水水源。但在全球气候变化和采煤等强烈人类活动的叠加作用下,我国北方岩溶泉水流量衰减,水质恶化,岩溶泉域生态环境功能下降。通过合理、适度的人工干预,强化岩溶大泉的自然恢复机能,并最终实现泉域生态环境修复,是当前我国生态文明建设的先行区和重点领域。论文在分析研究晋祠泉断流原因的基础上,针对性地提出并科学地评估了汾河二库强化渗漏补给、泉域岩溶水关井压采、煤矿区保水限采、近源生态补水和远源河道渗漏补给等一系列措施及预期效果,以期推进晋祠泉域岩溶地下水生态环境得到根本性改善。该研究工作有望对我国北方岩溶大泉的生态修复形成示范效应,为遏制我国岩溶区生态恶化现象提供科学依据。

关 键 词:北方岩溶泉   生态修复   渗漏补给   地下水资源   水化学   成效分析

Study on ecological restoration strategy of karst spring region in north China:Taking Jinci spring as an example
WANG Yanxin. Study on ecological restoration strategy of karst spring region in north China:Taking Jinci spring as an example[J]. Carsologica Sinica, 2022, 41(3): 331-344. doi: 10.11932/karst20220301
Authors:WANG Yanxin
Affiliation:China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), Wuhan, Hubei 430074, China
Abstract:In northern China, karst is widely distributed and rich in karst spring water resources. It is a high-quality water supply source for industry, agriculture and residents’ life in karst areas. However, under the superposition of global climate change, coal mining and other strong human activities, the flow of karst springs in northern China has declined, the water quality has deteriorated, and the ecological environment function of karst springs has declined. Therefore, how to take reasonable measures, strengthen the natural recovery function of karst springs through appropriate manual intervention, and finally realize the ecological environment restoration of spring area is the leading area and key field of ecological civilization construction in China. On the basis of analyzing and studying the causes of Jinci spring cutoff, the paper puts forward and scientifically evaluates a series of measures and expected results, such as strengthening leakage recharge of Fenhe ReservoirⅡ, closing and pressure mining of karst water in spring area, water conservation and limited mining in coal mine area, near source ecological water replenishment and far source river leakage recharge, in order to promote the fundamental improvement of karst groundwater ecological environment in Jinci spring area. The research work of this paper is expected to form a demonstration effect on the ecological restoration of karst springs in northern China, and provide a scientific basis for curbing the ecological deterioration in karst areas in China. 
Keywords:north karst spring  ecological restoration  leakage recharge  groundwater resources  hydrochemistry  effectiveness analysis
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