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引用本文:王有智, 杨宁, 于林弘, 吕凌峰. 烟台中桥岩溶塌陷发育特征及防治对策[J]. 中国岩溶, 2022, 41(6): 1007-1015. doi: 10.11932/karst20220612
作者姓名:王有智  杨宁  于林弘  吕凌峰
作者单位:山东省第三地质矿产勘查院, 山东 烟台 264004
摘    要:中桥灰岩分布区是胶东岩溶地貌的典型代表,近些年岩溶塌陷较为严重,给当地人民生命财产造成严重威胁。文章以力学、构造地质学、水文地质学等理论为依据,宏观微观相结合,对岩溶塌陷发育特征和过程以及岩溶塌陷触发因素进行研究。结果表明:在塌陷诸多因素中,地层岩性是基本条件,地质构造为主导因素,而水动力条件是决定因素;从地貌角度看,距离河流300 m以内区域岩溶发育更强烈,岩溶塌陷均发生于河流与河流夹角V型区域内;从盖层及构造角度看,岩溶塌陷多发育于覆盖层厚度为10~15 m、断裂上盘1 km以内的岩溶区域,为岩溶塌陷脆弱区;在塌陷触发因素方面,在具备岩溶塌陷基本前提下,强降雨、过度采排地下水以及连续干旱,特别是水位在灰岩面上方0~2 m持续波动超过5 d以上更易触发塌陷。在岩溶塌陷防治方面首先要合理规划地下水采排方案,其次在区内建设地下水监测预警网络,在矿山周边建设止水帷幕工程。

关 键 词:岩溶塌陷   发育特征   触发因素   防治对策

Development characteristics and prevention countermeasures of karst collapse in Zhongqiao of Yantai
WANG Youzhi, YANG Ning, YU Linhong, LV Lingfeng. Development characteristics and prevention countermeasures of karst collapse in Zhongqiao of Yantai[J]. Carsologica Sinica, 2022, 41(6): 1007-1015. doi: 10.11932/karst20220612
Authors:WANG Youzhi  YANG Ning  YU Linhong  LV Lingfeng
Affiliation:The Third Shandong Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration, Yantai, Shandong 264004, China
Abstract:The limestone distribution area of Zhongqiao is a typical representative of the karst landform distribution in Jiaodong Peninsula. With an area of about 30 km2, it is located about 25 km southwest of Yantai City, and is the core area of Fushan Economic-Technological Development Zone. In recent years, frequent karst collapse has seriously affected the economic development and local people's life, and even brought some panic to the them. 17 times of karst collapse in the study area occurred in the covered karst area. The collapse began in 2005 (2 times), and then occurred 17 times in 2014-2021. The diameter of the collapse pit varies from 1 m to 10 m, and the depth is mostly 3-5 m. The collapse is mostly elliptical and circular on the plane, appearing in groups, and the section is jar-shaped and funnel-shaped. In terms of space, the collapse is mainly located near the groundwater runoff zone, river bed, gully and terraces on both banks where geological structures are developed. The covering soil thickness of collapse point is mostly between 10-15 m.In order to provide a scientific basis for the future rational planning of groundwater exploitation and monitoring and early warning of karst collapse, and provide a geological basis for the prevention of karst collapse, we have further analyzed the spatial and temporal distribution, the development characteristics, process and triggering factors of karst collapse in the study area to better understand the development mode and evolution law of karst collapse in Jiaodong Peninsula. In this paper, the development characteristics, process and triggering factors of karst collapse are studied from the aspects of mechanics, structural geology and hydrogeology. The research shows that among the many factors of collapse, stratum lithology is the basic condition; the geological structure is the dominant factor; and the hydrodynamic condition is the decisive factor. From the perspective of geomorphology, the karst development is more intense within 300 m from the river, and karst collapse occurs in the V-shaped area between the two rivers. In terms of cap rock and structure, karst collapse is mostly developed in the fragile area of karst area where the thickness of overburden is 10-15 m and the hanging wall of fault is less than 1 km. Given the basic conditions of karst collapse, collapse trigger factors, such as heavy rainfall, excessive exploitation and drainage of groundwater and continuous drought, especially the continuous fluctuation of water level 0-2 m above limestone surface for more than 5 days, are more likely to trigger collapse. In the prevention and control of karst collapse, we must first rationally plan the groundwater mining and drainage scheme, then establish a groundwater monitoring and early warning network in the area, and build a water-stopping curtain around the mine. 
Keywords:karst collapse  development characteristics  geological hazards  prevention and control countermeasures
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