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New petrochemical data of volcanites from the Island of Pantelleria (Channel of Sicily)
Authors:Dr. Romolo Romano
Affiliation:(1) Present address: Institut International de Recherches Volcanologiques (I.I.R.V.), Viale Regina Margherita, 6, 95123 Catania, Sicily
Abstract:The author presents 32 new analyses of volcanites from Pantelleria and draws some magmatological and geochemical conclusions.
Zusammenfassung Der Autor gibt 32 neue Analysen von Vulkaniten von Pantelleria bekannt und zieht daraus einige magmatologische und geochemische Schlußfolgerungen.

Résumé L'auteur présente 32 analyses nouvelles de roches volcaniques de l'île de Pantelleria et en tire des conclusions d'ordre magmatologique et géochimique.

Riassunto Nella presente nota, l'Autore riporta 32 nuove analisi di vulcaniti di Pantelleria traendone delle conclusioni di carattere magmatologico e geochimico.

Kcyrcyacytcykcyocyiecy scyocydcyiecyrcyzhcyacyncyicyiecy Pcyrcyicyvcyiecydcyiecyncyocy 32 acyncyacylcyicyzcyacy vcyucy lcykcyacyncyicytcyocyvcyycykhcy pcyocyrcyocydcy ocyscytcy rcyocyvcyacy Pantelleria. Ocybcyscyucyzhcydcyacyyucytcyscyyacy ncyiecykcyocytcyocyrcyycyiecy pcyrcyocybcylcyiecymcyycy gcy iecyocykhcyicymcyicyicy, scyvcyyacyzcyacyncyncyycyiecy scy vcyucylcykcyacyncyicytcyocyvcyycymcyicy pcyocyrcyocydcyacymcyicy.

Dedicated to Professor Dr. A.Rittmann on the occasion of his 75. birthday
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