摘 要: | Fault clay is the combined results of 10 ig-term dynamic-, thermal-metamorphism and tectonic geochemical process. Approximately similar fault clay can be produced from different rocks as long as the abovemeutioned actions develope to a certain extent.Fault clay is characterized by a great variety of clay minerals as a result of the depletion in silica and the relative enrichment in Ah Different types of clayization can be recognized depending on the environmen and the extent to which alkalis are leached. The process that results in the formation Of fault clay, i.e., the disintegration of rocks, dissolution, transportation, deposition mstasormatism, re-crystallization and the alteration of clay minerals already formed goes Under the heading of tectonic geochemistry. It is induced by the pressure and temperature that prevail under dynamic-, the rmal-metamorphism and is controlled entirely by tectonic movement. Therefore, it differs from weathering and leaching in terms of either the mechanism or the characteristies of material exchange or the texture and structure of the resulted clays. Clayization is an indieator that the fault activity has reached to a stage of matoration. On the other hand, clayization is also a process of mineralization which gives rise under favorite conditions elay deposit of economic slginficance.