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作者姓名:林茂福 李太俊 傅家谟
摘    要:Samples of Continetal shelf sediments from the East China Sea have been studied in an attempt to eluciate the relationship of metallie element enrichment with organoclay complexes. Investigations of the distribution patterns and modes of existence of such elements as Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni, Fe, Mn, etc. in the sediments demonstrate that there exist remarkable positive eorrelations between tha distribution of all elements except for Mn,and the content of clay minerals and organic matter and its type. Experimental results show that the removal of combined organic matter will lead to a rapid decrease in the content of these elements (up to mote than 50%). Organoelay chemistry study indicates that the enrichment of metallic elements in the sediments may involve the following processes: (1) the formation of organic metallic complexes by the ineraction between organic matter and metallic ions in the water body; (2) the production of organoclay complexes by the interaction between the organic metallic complexes and clay minerals in the same medium, (3) the deposition of the organoelay complexes due to the variation of water medium conditions during their migration, thus enabling the sediments to be enriched in some metallic elements. From the above, it can be seen that organoclay complexes may be one of the important forms of existense of metallic elements concentrated in the sediments, and also of significance in eluciating the mechanism of fineralization of metallic elements.

关 键 词:大陆架 沉积物 有机粘土复合体 金属元素富集 东海
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