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Molecular isotopic heterogeneity of fossil organic matter: implications for δCbiomass and δCpalaeoatmosphere proxies
Authors:Imogen Poole   Pim F. van Bergen   Johan Kool   Stefan Schouten  David J. Cantrill
Affiliation:aFaculty of Earth Sciences, Organic Geochemistry Group, University of Utrecht, P.O. Box 80021, 3508 TA Utrecht, The Netherlands;bPalaeontological Museum, Oslo University, P.O. Box 1172, Blindern, N-0318 Oslo, Norway;cRoyal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, Marine Biogeochemistry and Toxicology, P.O. Box 59, 1790 AB Den Burg, The Netherlands;dSwedish Museum of Natural History, Palaeobotany, P.O. Box 50007, Stockholm 104 05, Sweden
Abstract:The degree of isotopic variation in fossil organic matter renders bulk δ13C signatures strongly influenced by molecular isotopic heterogeneity. For example, in fossil wood the relative abundance of less depleted 13C moieties, i.e. preserved 13C enriched polysaccharides versus the relatively 13C depleted lignin moieties, can be seen to significantly bias δ13Cfossil wood values. Moreover the variation in δ13C values of specific compounds within fossil material are themselves highly variable and reflect the heterogeneity in isotopic values of different carbon atoms within individual compounds. For studies using δ13C values of fossil plant material as proxies (e.g., for δ13Cpalaeoatmosphere, δ13Cbiomass) it is recommended that the biases introduced through molecular heterogeneity, preservation type and taxonomic status of the fossil material are determined initially. Biases inherent in the bulk signature can then be reduced, rendering this value more robust. Alternatively, compound specific stable carbon isotope measurements of individual moieties preserved through geological time might prove to be an alternative proxy for monitoring changes in the bulk δ13C value of the plant and might reveal atmospherically induced trends.
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