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Evolution of salt structures in the northern Paradox Basin: controls on evaporite deposition,salt wall growth and supra‐salt stratigraphic architecture
Authors:B. D. Trudgill
Affiliation:Department of Geology and Geological Engineering, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO, USA
Abstract:The northern Paradox Basin evolved during the Late Pennsylvanian–Permian as an immobile foreland basin, the result of flexural subsidence in the footwall of the growing Uncompahgre Ancestral Rocky Mountain thick‐skinned uplift. During the Atokan‐Desmoinesian (~313–306 Ma) fluctuating glacio‐eustatic sea levels deposited an ~2500 m thick sequence of evaporites (Paradox Formation) in the foreland basin, interfingering with coarse clastics in the foredeep and carbonates around the basin margins. The cyclic deposition of the evaporites produced a repetitive sequence of primarily halite, with minor clastics, organic shales and anhydrite. Sediment loading of the evaporites subsequently produced a series of salt walls and minibasins, through the process of passive diapirism or downbuilding. Faults at the top Mississippian level localised the development of linear salt walls (up to 4500 m high) along a NW–SE trend. A crosscutting NE–SW structural trend was also important in controlling the evaporite facies and the abrupt termination of the salt walls. Seismic, well and field data define the proximal Cutler Group (Permian) as a basinward prograding sequence derived from the growing Uncompahgre uplift that drove salt basinwards (towards the southwest), triggering the growth of the salt walls. Sequential structural restorations indicate that the most proximal salt walls evolved earlier than the more distal ones. The successive development of salt‐withdrawal minibasins associated with each growing salt wall implies that parts of the Cutler Group in one minibasin may have no chronostratigraphic equivalent in other minibasins. Localised changes in along‐strike salt wall growth and evolution were critical in the development of facies and thickness variations in the late Pennsylvanian to Triassic stratigraphic sequences in the flanking minibasins. Salt was probably at or very close to the surface during the downbuilding process leading to localised thinning, deposition of diapir‐derived detritus and rapid facies changes in sequences adjacent to the salt wall structures.
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