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引用本文:李石. 神农架式铁矿特征简介[J]. 矿床地质, 1984, 3(2): 94-98
摘    要:神农架铁矿位于华中第一高峰——鄂西神农架原始林区。目前发现具有工业价值的矿区主要有两个:一个在铁厂河,另一个在大神农架主峰附近(图1)。铁矿露头一般在标高2000—2500米以上。虽然该铁矿沉积形成于元古代,但由于它至今几乎未受变质,使它具有独特的矿石类型,以区别于一般前寒武纪沉积变质铁矿,因此人们专称它为神农架式。现将该铁矿特征简要报道如下。

A Brief Introduction Of The Characteristics Of The Shennongjia Type Iron Deposit
Abstract:Located in Shennogjia mountainous area, western Hubei Province and formed in Proterozoic era, the ore deposit under investigation differs from Precambrian .metamorphic-sedimentary iron ore deposits in that it hasn-tundergone metamorphism. Occurring stratoid and lenticular forms, its ore bodies are confined to Kuaigshishan Formation of Shennorigjia Group. From bottom to top, the ore-bearing sequence changes lithologically in order of sandstone-silty pelite-iron ore beds-clay slate with the main ore beds lying where clastic rocks grade into clay slates. Iron ores consist mainly of hematite and Fe-rich chlorite associated with such accessory minerals as quartz and hydromica; they show predominantly clastic and oolitic textures and are characterized in chemical composition by SiO2 +Al2O3>MgO + CaO. An investigation into the ore-bearing sequence suggests evidently the formation of ore bodies in epicontinental environment; hematite, magnetite and Fe-rich chlorite are considered to be syngenetic minerals formed under favorable physico-chemical conditions.
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