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Tertiary to recent oblique convergence and wrenching of the Central Dinarides: Constraints from a palaeostress study
Authors:Aleksandar Ili&#x  ,Franz Neubauer

aDepartment of Geography, Geology and Mineralogy, Paris Lodron University Salzburg, Hellbrunner Str. 34, A-5020 Salzburg, Austria

bFaculty of Mining and Geology, University of Belgrade, Dusina 7, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro

Abstract:The late Eocene to Neogene tectonic evolution of the Dinarides is characterised by shortening and orogen-parallel wrenching superposed on the late Cretaceous and Eocene double-vergent orogenic system. The Central Dinarides exposes NW-trending tectonic units, which were transported towards the Adria/Apulian microcontinent during late Cretaceous–Palaeogene times. These units were also affected by subsequent processes of late Palaeogene to Neogene shortening, Neogene extension and subsidence of intramontane sedimentary basins and Pliocene–Quaternary surface uplift and denudation. The intramontane basins likely relate to formation of the Pannonian basin. Major dextral SE-trending strike-slip faults are mostly parallel to boundaries of major tectonic units and suggest dextral orogen-parallel wrenching of the whole Central Dinarides during the Neogene indentation of the Apulian microplate into the Alps and back-arc type extension in the Pannonian basin. These fault systems have been evaluated with the standard palaeostress techniques. We report four palaeostress tensor groups, which are tentatively ordered in a succession from oldest to youngest: (1) Palaeostress tensor group 1 (D1) of likely late Eocene age indicates E–W shortening accommodated by reverse and strike-slip faults. (2) Palaeostress tensor group 2 (D2) comprises N/NW-trending dextral and W/WSW-trending sinistral strike-slip faults, as well as WNW-striking reverse faults. These indicate NE–SW contraction and subordinate NW–SE extension related to Oligocene to early Miocene shortening of the Dinaric orogenic wedge. (3) Palaeostress tensor group 3a (D3a) comprises mainly NW-trending normal faults, which indicate early/middle Miocene NE–SW extension related to syn-rift extension in the Pannonian basin. The subsequent palaeostress tensor group 3b (D3b) includes NE-trending, SE-dipping normal faults indicating NW–SE extension, which is likely related to further extension in the Pannonian basin. (4) Palaeostress tensor group 4 (D4) is characterised by mainly NW-trending dextral and NE-trending sinistral strike-slip faults. Together, with some E-trending reverse faults, they indicate roughly N–S shortening and dextral wrenching during late Miocene to Quaternary. This is partly consistent with the present-day kinematics, with motion of the Adriatic microplate constrained by GPS data and earthquake focal mechanisms. The north–north-westward motion and counterclockwise rotation of the Adriatic microplate significantly contribute the shortening and present-day wrenching in the Central Dinarides.
Keywords:Transpression   Transtension   Central Dinarides   Neogene   Quarternary   Surface uplift   Wrenching   Palaeostress analysis
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