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An Incursion of Off-Equatorial Subsurface Cold Water and Its Role in Triggering the “Double Dip” La Nia Event of 2011
作者姓名:ZHENG Fei  FENG Lisha  ZHU Jiang
作者单位:International Center for Climate and Environment Science, Institute of Atmospheric Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences;College of Atmospheric Sciences, Chengdu University of Information Technology
基金项目:supported by the National Program for Support of Top-notch Young Professionals;the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No.2012CB955202);the Chinese Academy Sciences’ Project “Western Pacific Ocean System: Structure, Dynamics and Consequences” (WPOS; Grant No.XDA10010405);the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.41176014)
摘    要:Based on Global Ocean Data Assimilation System(GODAS) and NCEP reanalysis data, atmospheric and oceanic processes possibly responsible for the onset of the 2011/12 La Nia event, which followed the 2010/11 La Nia even—referred to as a "double dip" La Nia—are investigated. The key mechanisms involved in activating the 2011/12 La Nia are illustrated by these datasets. Results show that neutral conditions were already evident in the equatorial eastern Pacific during the decaying phase of the 2010/11 La Nia. However, isothermal analyses show obviously cold water still persisting at the surface and at subsurface depths in off-equatorial regions throughout early 2011, being most pronounced in the tropical South Pacific. The negative SST anomalies in the tropical South Pacific acted to strengthen a southern wind across the equator. The subsurface cold water in the tropical South Pacific then spread northward and broke into the equatorial region at the thermocline depth. This incursion process of off-equatorial subsurface cold water successfully interrupted the eastern propagation of warm water along the equator, which had previously accumulated at subsurface depths in the warm pool during the 2010/11 La Nia event. Furthermore, the incursion process strengthened as a result of the off-equatorial effects, mostly in the tropical South Pacific. The negative SST anomalies then reappeared in the central basin in summer 2011, and acted to trigger local coupled air–sea interactions to produce atmospheric–oceanic anomalies that developed and evolved with the second cooling in the fall of 2011.

关 键 词:"  double dip"   La Nia  subsurface cold water  incursion  off-equatorial process
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