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A modeling study of diurnal rainfall variations during the 21-day period of TOGA COARE
Authors:Shouting Gao  Xiaopeng Cui  Xiaofan Li
Affiliation:Laboratory of Cloud-Precipitation Physics and Severe Storms (LACS), Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029,Laboratory of Cloud-Precipitation Physics and Severe Storms (LACS), Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029,Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation and NOAA/NESDIS/Center for Satellite Applications and Research, Camp Springs, Maryland, USA
Abstract:The surface rainfall processes and diurnal variations associated with tropical oceanic convection areexamined by analyzing a surface rainfall equation and thermal budget based on hourly zonal-mean data from a seriesof two-dimensional cloud-resolving simulations. The model is integrated for 21 days with imposed large-scale verticalvelocity, zonal wind, and horizontal advection obtained from the Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere CoupledOcean-Atmosphere Response Experiment (TOGA COARE) in the control experiment. Diurnal analysis shows that theinfrared radiative cooling after sunset, as well as the advective cooling associated with imposed large-scaleascending motion, destabilize the atmosphere and release convective available potential energy to energizenocturnal convective development. Substantial local atmospheric drying is associated with the nocturnal rainfallpeak in early morning, which is a result of the large condensation and deposition rates in the vapor budget.Sensitivity experiments show that diurnal variations of radiation and large-scale forcing can produce anocturnal rainfall peak through infrared and advective cooling, respectively.
Keywords:diurnal rainfall variation cloud-resolving simulation  tropical oceanic convection  TOGA COARE  
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