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Evidence for magma hybridization for the voluminous 29.5 Ma Wah Wah Springs Formation, Utah and Nevada, U.S.A.
Authors:Robert L. Nusbaum
Abstract:The 29.5 Ma Wah Wah Springs Formation which erupted from the Indian Peak Caldera has an estimated volume of > 3900 km3 making it one of the largest ignimbrites on earth. The magma was calc-alkaline, dacitic (68 wt. % SiO2) and phenocryst-rich (38 vol.%). Phenocrysts include plagioclase (An 47), magnesio-hornblende, Mg-biotite, quartz, Fe-Ti oxides, diopsidic-augite, and rare Ca-poor pyroxene, in order of decreasing abundance. Apatite, zircon and pyrrhotite occurs as inclusions within phenocrysts. Atmospheric glass losses (1040 km3) account for bulk-rock compositions that have SiO2 contents ranging from 63 to 67 wt.%. Glass compositions are high-silica rhyolite.Phenocrysts equilibrated at temperatures ranging from about 790 to 850°C and oxygen fugacities approximately 2.6 log units above the QFM buffer. Confining pressure estimates using the aluminum-in-hornblende geobarometer calibrated for calc-alkaline volcanic rocks suggest a mean pressure of 230±50 MPa corresponding to 7.5±1.5 km depth. These estimates are consistent with caldera formation accompanying emplacement.Crystal compositions for phenocrysts and mineral inclusions within phenocrysts are remarkably homogeneous throughout the outflow tuff, although minor zoning does occur. Given the dacitic composition of the magma, the weakly zoned phenocryst population cannot be modeled to produce the observed high-silica glass (melt) indicating open-system behavior for the magma. The high-silica rhyolite glass is interpreted to be an artifact of efficient magma mixing accompanying addition of highly evolved magma, or melt to intermediate composition magma. Mixing was followed by magma hybridization. Additional support for this hybridization model includes: (1) physically and chemically distinct populations of augite; (2) minor but unbiquitous resorbed plagioclase, biotite and hornblende phenocrysts; and (3) reverse zoning in some of the plagioclase euhedra within pumice lapilli.
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