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Crystallization and Breakdown of Metasomatic Phases in Graphite-bearing Peridotite Xenoliths from Marsabit (Kenya)
Authors:Kaeser, Benjamin   Kalt, Angelika   Pettke, Thomas
Affiliation:1Institut De Géologie Et D’Hydrogéologie, Université De Neuchâtel, Rue Emile-Argand 11, CH-2009 Neuchâtel, Switzerland
2Institute of Geological Sciences, University of Bern, Baltzerstrasse 1, CH-3012, Bern, Switzerland
Abstract:Mantle-derived xenoliths from the Marsabit shield volcano (easternflank of the Kenya rift) include porphyroclastic spinel peridotitescharacterized by variable styles of metasomatism. The petrographyof the xenoliths indicates a transition from primary clinopyroxene-bearingcryptically metasomatized harzburgite (light rare earth element,U, and Th enrichment in clinopyroxene) to modally metasomatizedclinopyroxene-free harzburgite and dunite. The metasomatic phasesinclude amphibole (low-Ti Mg-katophorite), Na-rich phlogopite,apatite, graphite and metasomatic low-Al orthopyroxene. Transitionalsamples show that metasomatism led to replacement of clinopyroxeneby amphibole. In all modally metasomatized xenoliths melt pockets(silicate glass containing silicate and oxide micro-phenocrysts,carbonates and empty vugs) occur in close textural relationshipwith the earlier metasomatic phases. The petrography, majorand trace element data, together with constraints from thermobarometryand fO2 calculations, indicate that the cryptic and modal metasomatismare the result of a single event of interaction between peridotiteand an orthopyroxene-saturated volatile-rich silicate melt.The unusual style of metasomatism (composition of amphibole,presence of graphite, formation of orthopyroxene) reflects lowP –T conditions (~850–1000°C at < 1·5GPa) in the wall-rocks during impregnation and locally low oxygenfugacities. The latter allowed the precipitation of graphitefrom CO2. The inferred melt was possibly derived from alkalinebasic melts by melt–rock reaction during the developmentof the Tertiary–Quaternary Kenya rift. Glass-bearing meltpockets formed at the expense of the early phases, mainly throughincongruent melting of amphibole and orthopyroxene, triggeredby infiltration of a CO2-rich fluid and heating related to themagmatic activity that ultimately sampled and transported thexenoliths to the surface. KEY WORDS: graphite; peridotite xenoliths; Kenya Rift; modal metasomatism; silicate glass
Keywords:: graphite   peridotite xenoliths   Kenya Rift   modal metasomatism   silicate glass
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