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Formation of Brown Dwarfs and Planets: Observations,Experiments and Theory
Authors:  nther Wuchterl,Eike Gü  nther,Christiane Helling
Abstract:I01 NIR Imaging Spectroscopy of Extrasolar Planets I02 Eccentricity growth in protoplanetary disks with embedded planets I03 Brown dwarf atmospheres: the dust in the L – T transition region I04 Model Atmospheres of Substellar Atmospheres at a Young Age:Influence of Gravity and Dust I05 Detection of Planetary Transits using Wavelet Analysis and Genetic Algorithms I06 Automated Difference Imaging for Extrasolar Planet Searches I07 The formation of planets around stars with various masses I08 The Multiplicity of exoplanet host stars I09 Direct imaging of planets around young stars, the case of GQ Lup b I10 On the Nucleation of NH3 under the Atmospheric Conditions of Jovian‐like Planets I11 Unveiling a new low‐mass star formation site in NGC 1333 with SCUBA I12 Linear analysis of the stability of protoplanets: Possible planetary evolutions and comparisons to the Jeans‐analysis I13 Triggered planet formation in young stellar clusters I14 Convective Radiation Fluid‐Dynamics: Formation and Early Evolution at the Substellar Limit and Beyond
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