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Focal mechanisms of three earthquakes in Finland and their relation to surface faults
Authors:Marja Uski, Tellervo Hyv  nen, Annakaisa Korja,Meri-Liisa Airo
Affiliation:a Institute of Seismology, P.O. Box 26, FIN-00014 University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland;b Geological Survey of Finland, P.O. Box 96, FIN-02150, Espoo, Finland
Abstract:Focal mechanisms for three recent earthquakes in Finland are determined using P-wave polarities together with SV/P and SH/P phase amplitude ratios. The events occurred on May 11, 2000 in Toivakka, Central Finland (ML=2.4), on September 15, 2000 in Kuusamo, northeastern Finland (ML=3.5), and on May 2, 2001 in Kolari, western Finnish Lapland (ML=2.9).In order to obtain reliable estimates of the source parameters, one-dimensional crust and upper mantle velocity models are derived for the epicenter areas from deep-seismic sounding results. The starting models are modified by one-dimensional ray tracing using the earthquake observations. The events are relocated by employing P- and S-phase arrival times from the nearest seismic stations and the final velocity models. Synthetic waveforms, calculated with the reflectivity method, are used to further constrain and verify the source and structural parameters.The Toivakka earthquake indicates thrust- or reverse-faulting mechanism at a depth of 5 km. After comparison with aeromagnetic and topographic data we suggest the eastward dipping nodal plane (358°/42°) was the fault plane. The best-fitting fault plane solution of the Kolari earthquake suggests pure thrust-faulting at a depth of 5 km. The nodal plane striking 035°/30° correlates well with surface observations of the postglacial, possibly listric fault systems in the source area. The Kuusamo earthquake (focal depth 14 km) has a normal-faulting mechanism with the nodal planes trending 133°/47° or 284°/47°. Preference is given to the SW-dipping nodal plane, as it seems to coincide with topographic and magnetic lineament directions that have been active after the last ice age.The three earthquakes have occurred in old Precambrian faults and shear zones, which have been reactivated. The reactivated faults are favourably oriented in the local stress field.
Keywords:Earthquake location   Depth-phase modelling   Focal mechanism   Crustal stress   Seismicity   Finland   Fennoscandia
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