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On the geologic structure of the Explora Escarpment (Weddell Sea,Antarctica) revealed by satellite and Shipboard data evaluation
Authors:Ute Christina Herzfeld  Arnold L. Brodscholl
Affiliation:(1) Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego, 92093-0205 La Jolla, CA, USA;(2) Present address: Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado, Campus Box 450, 80309-0450 Boulder, CO, USA;(3) Geophysics Laboratory, Gadjah Mada University, FMIPA-UGM, Sekip Unit III, 55821 Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Abstract:Bathymetric, gravity, and magnetic data from Antarctic expeditions with RV POLARSTERN and satellite altimeter data from the Geosat Geodetic Mission are analysed using methods from geostatistics and geophysical inverse theory.The Explora Escarpment represents the edge between the Antarctic Continental Shelf and the Weddell Abyssal Plain. It is an important link in the reconstruction of Gondwana breakup, but a feature as large as the 2000 m deep Wegener Canyon was only discovered in 1984, when extensive bathymetric, gravimetric, and magnetic surveys with RV POLARSTERN began.Geostatistics, the theory of regionalized variables, is applied to integrate dense surveys of Wegener Canyon and sparse observations in adjacent areas into maps with full coverage of the 230 km by 330 km area at 10°–20° W/70°–72° S. The resultant highresolution bathymetric and gravity maps reveal detailed structures of the Explora Escarpment. Using geophysical inversion, the gravity terrain effect is calculated. Satellite data are used for their better coverage, but have much lower resolution. Nevertheless, the structures of Wegener Canyon and other more prominent features appear with surprisingly good correlation also in the Geosat altimeter data. While it was initially supposed that Wegener Canyon is purely an erosional structure, the magnetic map now provides evidence of the lsquocanyon'srsquo tectonic origin.
Keywords:Bathymetry  gravity  magnetics  satellite data  Gondwana breakup  geostatistics  geophysical inverse theory
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