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An AEM study of garnet clinopyroxenite from the Sulu ultrahigh-pressure terrane: formation mechanisms of oriented ilmenite,spinel, magnetite,amphibole and garnet inclusions in clinopyroxene
Authors:Shyh-Lung Hwang  Tzen-Fu Yui  Hao-Tsu Chu  Pouyan Shen  Ru-Yuan Zhang  Juhn G. Liou
Affiliation:(1) Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Dong Hwa University, Hualien, Taiwan, Republic of China;(2) Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China;(3) Central Geological Survey, P.O. Box 968, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China;(4) Department of Materials and Optoelectronic Science, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Republic of China;(5) Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA
Abstract:Optical microscopy, secondary electron microscopy and analytical electron microscopy were used to characterize crystallographic orientation relationships between oriented mineral inclusions and clinopyroxene (Cpx) host from the Hujialing garnet clinopyroxenite within the Sulu ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) terrane, eastern China. One garnet clinopyroxenite sample (2HJ-2C) and one megacrystic garnet-bearing garnet clinopyroxenite (RZ-11D) were studied. Porphyroblastic clinopyroxene from sample 2HJ-2C contains oriented inclusions of ilmenite (Ilm), spinel (Spl), magnetite and garnet, whereas clinopyroxene inclusions within megacrystic garnet from sample RZ-11D contain oriented inclusions of ilmenite and amphibole. Specific crystallographic relationships were observed between ilmenite/spinel plates and host clinopyroxene in sample 2HJ-2C and between ilmenite plates and host clinopyroxene in sample RZ-11D, i.e. [1[`1]00 1bar{1}00 ]Ilm//[0[`1]0 0bar{1}0 ]Cpx (0001)Ilm//(100)Cpx; and [110]Spl//[0[`1]0 0bar{1}0 ]Cpx ([`1]11 bar{1}11 )Spl//(100)Cpx. These inclusions are suggested to be primary precipitates via solid-state exsolutions. Most of the needle-like magnetite/spinel inclusions generally occur at the rims or along fractures of clinopyroxene within sample 2HJ-2C. Despite the epitaxial relation with host clinopyroxene, these magnetite/spinel needles would have resulted from fluid/melt infiltrations. Non-epitaxial garnet lamellae in clinopyroxene of sample 2HJ-2C were formed via fluid infiltration-deposition primarily along (010) and subordinately along (100) partings. Epitaxial amphibole plates (with a thickness <1 μm) and lamellae (with a thickness = 1–10 μm) in host clinopyroxene of sample RZ-11D were probably results of hydration processes, although amphibole plates could otherwise be interpreted as exsolution products. Temporal relations between mineral inclusions in each sample can be established, and a semi-quantitative P–T path for this garnet clinopyroxenite body was derived accordingly. The present results show that the Hujialing garnet clinopyroxenite may not have subducted to mantle depths as deep as 250 km during UHP metamorphism as suggested by previous studies. This study demonstrates that the crystallographic and temporal/spatial relationships between aligned inclusions and host minerals are essential to a correct genetic interpretation of metamorphic rocks.
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