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Timing and Duration of Hydrothermal in the Oligocene Hamad Cauldron, SW Japan: Evidence from K-Ar Ages of Sericites
Authors:Teyruyoshi Imaoka    Kazuo Nakashima  Testumaru Itaya   Toshinori Okada
Affiliation:Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Science, Yamaguchi University, Yamaguchi 753–8512, Japan [e-mail: ];Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science, Yamagata University, Yamagata 990–8560, Japan;Research Institute of Natural Sciences, Okayama University of Science, Okayama 700-0005, Japan;Hiruzen Institute of Geology and Chronology, Sai 161-1, Okayama 703–8248, Japan
Abstract:Abstract: Crystallinity, chemical compositions and K-Ar ages of sericites in highly-sericitized granites and associated fissure-filling veins were examined to delineate the timing and duration of the hydrothermal activity in the Oligocene Hamada cauldron in the San-in district, SW Japan. Sericite separates (>2 μm) from the highly-sericitized granites consist mainly of 2M1 polytype having high crystallinity and low Kübler indices of 0.22–0.35, while those in the fissure-filling veins have lower 2M1/1Md ratios and crystallinity, and high Kübler indices of 0.29–0.35. This suggests that the sericites in highlysericitized granites were formed at a higher temperature than the vein sericites.
Sericites from the highly-sericitized granites of the Kumogi pluton give K-Ar ages of 30.0±0.7, 30.4±0.7, 30.6±0.7, 30.6±0.7, 32.1±0.7, 32.3±0.7 and 33.0±0.7 Ma (1), while those of the central plutons, 33.8±0.7 and 33.8±0.7 Ma. Sericites in the fissure-filling veins of the Kumogi granite give K-Ar ages of 31.0±0.7, 31.5±0.7, 31.6±0.7, 31.7±0.7 and 32.3±0.7 Ma. Biotite separates from the fresh Kumogi granite give K-Ar ages of 31.7±0.8, 32.0±0.8, 32.7±0.7 and 33.5±0.7 Ma. The K-Ar age data revealed that the hydrothermal alteration began at about 33 Ma and ended by about 30 Ma and that the period of sericite alteration was nearly synchronous with the cooling of the granite intrusions in the Hamada cauldron.
Despite intense hydrothermal alteration, the Oligocene granitoids have not accompanied with any economic base metal mineralization. The bulk chemical analyses of sericite separates in the veins indicate that the post-magmatic fluids were originally barren in heavy metals.
Keywords:K-Ar age    sericite    cauldron    Oligocene    hydrothermal activity    Japan
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