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The experimental study of parameters of rocks under ultrahigh-pressure state
Authors:Changtai Liu and Naiguang Geng
Affiliation:(1) Northwestern Institute of Nuclear Technology, 710024 Xi’an, China;(2) Institute of Geophysics, State Seismological Bureau, 100081 Beijing, China
Abstract:The parameters of rocks in ultrahigh-presure state are very important to understanding the geodynamics and explosion engineering of rocks. In these experiments the plane wave dynamite lenses were used to drive the flying plates. The flying plate hits the target and produces the ultrahigh-pressure shock wave. The propagation velocity and the particle velocity of shock wave in rock samples were measured by probes, and the relation between density of rocks and pressure was obtained by Rankine-Hugoniot formulas. The maximum pressure in experiments was higher than 70 GPa. The ultrahigh-pressure state formulas obtained are: Limestoneρ=3.22+0.016p; Graniteρ=3.20+0.024p. In which the unit for ρ is g/cm3, the unit forp is GPa. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,13, 96–103, 1991.
Keywords:ultrahigh-pressure experimental technique  ultrahigh-pressure state of rocks  rock density  bulk modulus of rocks  velocity of shock waves in rocks  particle velocity of shock wave in rocks
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