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引用本文:傅文彬, 邸楠, 邵晶, 胡松梅, 杨瑞琛, 赵志军. 陕北靖边庙梁遗址浮选结果与分析[J]. 第四纪研究, 2022, 42(1): 119-128. doi: 10.11928/j.issn.1001-7410.2022.01.10
作者姓名:傅文彬  邸楠  邵晶  胡松梅  杨瑞琛  赵志军
作者单位:1. 西北大学文化遗产学院, 陕西 西安 710127; 2. 陕西省考古研究院, 陕西 西安 710054; 3. 中国社会科学院考古研究所, 北京 100101
摘    要:庙梁遗址是陕北地区仰韶晚期至龙山时期的一处聚落遗址, 其出土遗存开启的龙山时代后期"双鋬鬲陶器体系"被认为是石峁文化的重要源头。在发掘过程中对房址、灰坑、灶址等遗迹共采得土样32份, 共计143.5 L, 其中包括仰韶晚期的样品14份, 共67 L; 龙山时期的样品18份, 共76.5 L。通过对庙梁遗址开展的浮选工作, 发现了23个种属的植物种子, 包括粟、黍两种农作物, 以及胡枝子属、草木犀、藜属、虫实属、猪毛菜属、狗尾草、野燕麦、大麻、酸枣等其他植物种子, 共计35913粒。浮选结果显示, 庙梁先民发展以粟、黍为主的旱作农业, 其中粟的地位较高, 这一结构从仰韶晚期到龙山时期没有改变。豆科植物的高出土概率表明庙梁周边的植被条件适宜发展牧业。结合动物考古的研究结果, 庙梁先民在仰韶晚期以农业为主; 进入龙山时期后, 以牛、羊的传入为契机, 牧业也迅速地发展起来, 这种农牧兼营的情况与木柱柱梁等遗址比较相似。这一时期生计策略的变化, 可能是当时人类面临气候波动时的对策之一。房址F4内柱洞D2出土植物遗存十分特殊, 反映出房址F4与粮食加工或消费有关。D2本身可能是一个先于房址废弃的柱洞, 也可能是一类少见的地臼, 结合民族学材料来看, 后者的可能性更大。另外, 庙梁遗址出土了27530粒藜属种子, 有可能是人为收集利用的结果。

关 键 词:庙梁遗址   陕北地区   仰韶时代   龙山时代   旱作农业

FU Wenbin, DI Nan, SHAO Jing, HU Songmei, YANG Ruichen, ZHAO Zhijun. Analysis of flotation results of the Miaoliang site in Jingbian County, Shaanxi Province[J]. Quaternary Sciences, 2022, 42(1): 119-128. doi: 10.11928/j.issn.1001-7410.2022.01.10
Authors:FU Wenbin  DI Nan  SHAO Jing  HU Songmei  YANG Ruichen  ZHAO Zhijun
Affiliation:1. School of Cultural Heritage, Northwest University, Xi'an 710127, Shaanxi; 2. Shaanxi Academy of Archaeology, Xi'an 710054, Shaanxi; 3. Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing 100101
Abstract:The Miaoliang site(37°58'7″N, 109°02'7″E) is located in Jingbian County, Yulin City, Shaanxi Province. It is an important settlement site of the late Yangshao period and the Longshan period in northern Shaanxi area, dated to ca. 3000~2000 BC. Its early Longshan remains are regarded as an important source of the Shimao culture. Although some comprehensive studies on the prehistoric mode of livelihood in northern Shaanxi province have been published, the sites dated to the Yangshao period and the Longshan period are still rare. A total of 32 soil samples (143.5 L) were collected from house foundations, ash-pits, stove relics and other vestiges during the excavation, including 14 samples from the deposits of the late Yangshao period and 18 samples from the deposits of the Longshan period. Abundant plant remains were recovered by flotation technique, including 35913 charred seeds which belong to 23 plant taxa. These seeds consists of 5101 grains of foxtail millet (Setaria italica), 829 grains of broomcorn millet (Panicum miliaceum), and other plant seeds such as Lespedeza sp., Melilotus officinalis, Chenopodium sp., Corispermum sp., Salsola sp., Setaria viridis, Avena fatua, Cannabis sativa, Ziziphus jujuba var. spinosa, etc. The analysis of flotation results show that the subsistence of the Miaoliang site was dominated by dryland farming with foxtail millet and broomcorn millet as major crops. The foxtail millet was more important than broomcorn millet in the farming system, that did not change from the late Yangshao period to the Longshan period. The high occurrence frequency of leguminous plants which can be used as herbage suggests that the vegetation around the Miaoliang site was suitable for the development of animal husbandry. Combined with the results of zooarchaeology, the prehistoric residents of the Miaoliang site mainly relied on agriculture in the late Yangshao period as well as the Longshan period. However, after the introduction of sheep and cattle during the Longshan period, animal husbandry became more and more important in the local subsistence, that might be also related to the climatic fluctuation in the time. It is noticed that abundant foxtail millet grain were found in a posthole within the house foundation F4. The analysis suggests that the house might be used for food processing, and the so called posthole might be a mortar for threshing millet grain. In addition, a total of 27530 charred seeds of Chenopodium sp. were unearthed from the Miaoliang site, that might be the harvest from the food collection according to the existing research and vestige background.
Keywords:the Miaoliang site  northern Shaanxi area  the Yangshao period  the Longshan period  dryland farming
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