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The Calipuy Formation of Northern Peru, and its relation to volcanism in the Northern Andes
Authors:V.F. Hollister  E.B. Sirvas  
Abstract:The Calipuy Formation is a primarily volcanic sequence deposited during the period 33 to 10 m.y. ago when basaltic and andesitic volcanoes developed concomitant with a N60°E horizontal foreshortening of the Peruvian Andes. The axis of compression is inferred from both fault tectonics in and near the Calipuy sequence and from N30°W-striking fold axes within it. Dacitic domes younger than 10 m.y. unconformably overlie the Calipuy sequence.Basaltic and andesitic effusive rocks concurrently filled a basin which developed during volcanism. During subsidence 80% of the fill was provided by primary extrusive igneous material, whereas sedimentary rocks associated with the igneous assemblage account for only 20%.Limited chemical data indicate that Calipuy andesitic rocks are slightly richer in alkalies than the average Cenozoic andesite, but petrographic data show that they are similar to other andesites of this age found in similar environments in the Andes. However, the analyses are too few to make any real generalization concerning petrogenesis.
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