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引用本文:王文杰,叶俊英. 安徽省古代矿业史略[J]. 安徽地质, 2000, 0(1)
作者姓名:王文杰  叶俊英
作者单位:安徽地质调查院!安徽 合肥 230001(王文杰),合肥市勘查院!安徽 合肥 230061(叶俊英)
摘    要:安徽古代矿业历史悠久,原始社会时期旧石器时代有繁昌县人类活动遗迹及和县猿人,新石器 时代肥东出土石斧及蒙城尉迟寺遗址;奴隶社会青铜器时期,合肥市出土商代陶器,铜陵市狮子山铜矿木 鱼山采铜遗址上溯到西周,凤凰山铜矿金井洞采铜场遗址始于春秋;封建社会进入铁器时代,战国银、金、 大理石开发利用,西汉丹阳铜闻名全国,并有金、石膏矿的开采,两汉时皆采冶铜陵铜矿及大别山砂铁矿, 东汉至南北朝矿业缓慢发展,隋、唐矿业繁荣,宋、元继续发展,明、清已出现资本主义矿业的萌芽。

关 键 词:矿业  古代  安徽

WANG Wen-jie,YE Jun-ying. A BRIEF HISTORY OF ANCIENT MINING IN ANHUI[J]. Geology of Anhui, 2000, 0(1)
Authors:WANG Wen-jie  YE Jun-ying
Abstract:The ancient mining history is long for Anhui Province. The human activity traces and ape-men of the Old Stone Age were found in Fangehang County and Hexian County, respectively. The stone axes and the Yuchi Temple site of the New Stone Age were unearthed sparately in Feidong County and Mengcheng County. The Bronze Age of pottery from the Shang Dynasty was discovered in Hefei. The Muyushan copper - mining site in the Shizishan copper mine and the Jinjingdong gold - mining site in the Fenghuangshan copper mine can be traced back to the Western Zhou Dynasty and the Spring and Autumn Period in Tongling City, respectively. After entering the Iron Age, copper, gold and marble were utilized in the Warring Stales. The copper from Danyang where gold and gypsum were also mined was famous in the whole state of the Weatern Han Dynasty. The copper of Tongling and placer iron of the Dabie Mts were mined in both the Western Han and Eastern Han Dynasties. The mining was developing slowly from the Eastern Han to the Northern and Southern Dynasties. By the Sui and Tang Dynasties mining was prosperous. It kept developing in the Song and Yuan Dynasties. The capitalist mining appeared in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.
Keywords:mining  ancient times  Anhui  
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