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Osumilite-bearing Granulites in the Eastern Grenville Province, Eastern Labrador, Canada: Mineral Parageneses and Metamorphic Conditions
Affiliation:1Geological Institute, Yokohama National University Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama, 240 Japan
2Department of Mines and Energy, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador P. O. Box 8700, St. John's, Newfoundland, AIB 4J6 Canada
Abstract:Osumilite-bearing metasedimentary gneiss occurs in the contactaureole of the Sand Hill Big Pond gabbronorite complex of Labradorianage in eastern Grenville Province, eastern Labrador, Canada.The osumilite (Os) occurs in association with cordierite (Cd),orthopyroxene (Opx), sillimanite (Sil), sapphirine (Sa), spinel(Sp), K-feldspar (Kf), plagioclase (PI), phlogopite (Ph), hematite(Hm),magnetite (Mt), corundum (Co), and quartz (Q) in zones adjacentto the gabbronorite intrusion. The osumilite-in isogard is delineatedat a distance of 1-3km from the intrusive contact. The osumiliteis characterized by enhanced Mg/(Mg + Fe) ratios (0.89-0.92)and relatively high K2O contents (4. 13-4.78 wt. % ) The compositionalvariation of the osumilite is best understood by the substitutions(Mg+Fe+Mn)+St=2A1 and (K+Na)+(Mg +Fe+Mn)=Al+vacancy. Symplectiticintergrowth of Opx-Cd-Kf-Q, which partly of completely replacedosumilite, is ubiquitously present. The stable osumilite-bearingassemblages (all with Hm, Mt, and P1) deduced from petrographicfeatures and from the phase relations in the KMAS system areOs-Sa-Cd, Os-Cd-Sil-Q, Os-Cd-Kf-Q, Os-Cd-Opx-Q, and Os-Opx-Kf-Q.The saphirine-bearing assemblages are restricted to silica-deficient(quartz-absent) zones of the gnesis, which include Sa-Os-Cd,Sa-Sil-Cd, Sa-Opx-Sp, Sa-Sp-Cd, and Sa-Sp-Co. Orthopyroxenecoronas mantling phologite reflect the breakdown reaction Ph+ Q= Opx+Kf+vapor under extremely low water activity in thevapour. Petrogenetic grids in MAS, KMAS, and KMAS-H2O-CO2appropriateto the mineral assemblages in the metasedimentary gneisses suggestthat the changes of the mineral assemblages in the area studiedreflect dehydration reactions Ph+Sil+Q=Cd+Kf+V and Ph+Q=Opx+Kf+V, and osumilite and sapphirine-forming reactions Opx+Cd+Kf+Q=Os,Cd+Kf+Q=Os+Sil+, Opx+Sil+Kf=Os+Sa, and Opx+Sil =Sa+ Cd. Relativelyhigh Mg/(Mg+Fe2+) (0. 64-0.88) in the whole-rock compositionand high oxygen fugacity (near hematite-magnetite buffer), togetherwith exceptionally high temperature ({approx} 1000?C) and extremelylow water activity (0.2) at peak meta-morphic conditions mightstabilize the osumilite- and sapphirine-bearing assemblagesat middle or lower crustal levels. Relatively low water activityis probably caused by the relatively dry precursor, which hadbeen metamorphosed at upper amphibolite facies metamorphic conditionsbefore gabbronorite emplacement.
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