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Lunar Pyroxene-Phyric Basalts: Crystallization Under Supercooled Conditions
Affiliation:Department of Geology and Institute of Meteoritics
The University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131, USA
Abstract:Pyroxene-phyric basalts constitute a distinct petrologic groupin samples from lunar maria at both Apollo 12 and Apollo 15sites. Textures of pyroxene-phyric basalts from both sites aresimilar, but bulk compositions and mineralogy are somewhat different.Pyroxene-phyric basalts are characterized by large pyroxenephenocrysts with cores of magnesian pigeonite and mantles ofaugite grading to ferroaugite, usually set in a distinctly finergroundmass of iron-rich pyroxene, plagioclase, ilmenite, andother minor minerals. Olivine is scarce or absent modally andnormatively. Controversy has arisen over whether the porphyritictexture is a result of (1) a two-stage cooling history, e.g.phenocrysts formed at depth, and groundmass formed on extrusion;or (2) single stage, rapid cooling under supercooled conditions(cooling history here refers to cooling conditions imposed byexternal factors, and is not to be equated with ‘crystallizationhistory’). A study of six rocks belonging to this groupfrom Apollo 15 rake samples is reported here. A considerablerange of textures is present in these rocks, and they may beranked in order of decreasing late-stage cooling rate (15125,15666, 15682, 15118, 15684, 15116) on the basis of groundmasscrystal size. The same ranking is obtained from delta-beta (measuredin X-ray precession photos) of pigeonite and augite exsolvedfrom once homogeneous crystals, or of epitaxially overgrownaugite and pigeonite. The size of the phenocrysts in these rocks tends to be positivelycorrelated with the coarseness of the groundmass. Furthermorethe same correlation is evidently present in almost all otherApollo 12 and Apollo 15 pyroxene-phyric rocks. This constitutesa strong argument in favor of a single-stage cooling historyfor all pyroxene-phyric rocks, because the correlation wouldbe fortuitous for a two-stage cooling history. On the basisof this and many other arguments advanced previously and inthis paper, it is concluded that all the pyroxene-phyric rocksoriginated in a single-stage cooling process. A crystallization model for pyroxene-phyric rocks accounts forthe bimodal distribution of crystal size by two episodes ofsupercooling and nucleation during the continuous cooling process,the first of pyroxene, which nucleates homogeneously, the secondof plagioclase, which nucleates heterogeneously on the pyroxenephenocrysts. The more rapidly cooled rocks attained greaterdegrees of supercooling in both stages, hence greater nucleationrates and smaller crystals.
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