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A Saturnian gas ring and the recycling of Titan's atmosphere
Authors:Thomas R. McDonough  Neil M. Brice
Affiliation:School of Electrical Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14850 USA
Abstract:Atoms which escape Titan's atmosphere are unlikely to possess escape velocity from Saturn, and can orbit the planet until lost by ionization or collision with Titan. It is predicted that a toroidal ring of between ~1 and ~103 atoms or molecules cm?3 exists around Saturn at a distance of about 10 times the radius of the visible rings. This torus may be detectable from Earth-orbit and detection of nondetection of it may provide some information about the presence or absence of a Saturnian magnetic field, and the exospheric temperature and atmospheric escape rate of Titan. It is estimated that, if Titan has a large exosphere, ~97% or more of the escaping atoms can be recaptured by Titan, thereby decreasing the effective net atmospheric loss rate by up to two orders of magnitude. With such a reduction in atmospheric loss rates, it becomes more plausible to suggest that satellites previously thought too small to retain an atmosphere may have one. It is suggested that Saturn be examined by Lyman-α and other observations to search for the gaseous torus of Titan. If successful, these could then be extended to other satellites.The effect of a hypothetical Saturnian magnetosphere on the atmosphere of Titan is investigated. It is shown that, if Saturn has a magnetic field comparable to Jupiter's (~10 G at the planetary surface), the magnetospheric plasma can supply Titan with hydrogen at a rate comparable to the loss rates in some of the models of Trafton (1972) and Sagan (1973). A major part of the Saturnian ionospheric escape flux (~ 1027 photoelectrons sec?1) could perhaps be captured by Titan. At the upper limit, this rate of hydrogen input to the satellite could total ~0.1 atm pressure over the lifetime of the solar system, an amount comparable to estimates of the present atmospheric pressure of Titan.
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