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Pockmark-like depressions near the Goliat hydrocarbon field,Barents Sea: Morphology and genesis
Authors:S. Chand,L. RiseD. Ottesen,M.F.J. DolanV. Bellec,R. Bø  e
Affiliation:Geological Survey of Norway, Leiv Eirikssons Vei 39, 7040 Trondheim, Norway
Abstract:Pockmarks are observed worldwide along the continental margins and are inferred to be indicators of fluid expulsion. In the present study, we have analysed multibeam bathymetry and 2D/3D seismic data from the south-western Barents Sea, in relation to gas hydrate stability field and sediment type, to examine pockmark genesis. Seismic attributes of the sediments at and beneath the seafloor have been analysed to study the factors related to pockmark formation. The seabed depths in the study area are just outside the methane hydrate stability field, but the presence of higher order hydrocarbon gases such as ethane and/or propane in the expelled fluids may cause localised gas hydrate formation. The selective occurrence of pockmarks in regions of specific seabed sediment types indicates that their formation is more closely related to the type of seabed sediment than the source path of fluid venting such as faults. The presence of high acoustic backscatter amplitudes at the centre of the pockmarks indicates harder/coarser sediments, likely linked to removal of soft material. The pockmarks show high seismic reflection amplitudes along their fringes indicating deposition of carbonates precipitated from upwelling fluids. High seismic amplitude gas anomalies underlying the region away from the pockmarks indicate active fluid flow from hydrocarbon source rocks beneath, which is blocked by overlying less permeable formations. In areas of consolidated sediments, the upward flow is limited to open fault locations, while soft sediment areas allow diffused flow of fluids and hence formation of pockmarks over a wider region, through removal of fine-grained material.
Keywords:Pockmark   Seismic   Multibeam   Barents Sea   Seabed sediments   Soft sediments
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