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引用本文:范婕,蒋有录,刘景东,朱建峰,陈杏霞. 长岭断陷龙凤山地区断裂与油气运聚的关系[J]. 地球科学, 2017, 42(10): 1817-1829. DOI: 10.3799/dqkx.2017.568
作者姓名:范婕  蒋有录  刘景东  朱建峰  陈杏霞
作者单位:1.中国石油大学地球科学与技术学院,山东青岛 266580
摘    要:长岭断陷龙凤山地区具有“下生上储、他源成藏”特征,明确断裂与油气运聚的关系对指导其油气勘探具有重要意义.在分析断裂静态特征的基础上,分别定量评价断裂的活动性、封闭性以及断-盖配置关系,并提出了评价断-盖配置有效性的“SGR下限”法(SGR全称是Shale Gouge Ratio),结合油气藏静态分布特征,探讨了断裂对油气差异聚集的控制作用.研究结果表明,第1期油气成藏早中期,断裂可大规模输导油气;第1期晚期及第2期油气成藏时,主干反向断裂形成的封闭“走廊”空间为油气提供聚集场所.应用“SGR下限”法,认为营Ⅲ砂组断-盖配置关系较好,为油气提供良好的保存条件.断裂控烃作用体现在3个方面,断裂的活动性控制了油气不同时期的垂向运移规模,断裂的封闭差异性控制了油气富集程度,断-盖配置关系控制了油气的富集层系. 

关 键 词:断裂活动性   断裂封闭性   断-盖配置   油气运聚   龙凤山地区   长岭断陷   石油地质

Relationship of Fault with Hydrocarbon Migration and Accumulation in Longfengshan Area,Changling Faulted Depression
Abstract:Reservoirs in Longfengshan area are characterized by "other-source, generation in lower part, storage and accumulation in the upper part". It faclitates the hydrocarbon exploration by determining the fault control to hydrocarbon migration and accumulation. Based on precise illustration of the static characteristics of faults, fault activity, sealing capacity and fault-caprock configuration are evaluated quantitatively in this study. In addition, a method of SGR (Shale Gouge Ratio) lower limit for assessing fault-caprock configuration effectiveness is proposed. Combined with hydrocarbon distribution, the controlling effect on the differential accumulation of hydrocarbon is discussed. The study shows that hydrocarbon can migrate vertically through faults on a large scale at the early and middle stages of the first accumulation period. At the end of the first and the second accumulation periods, sealing corridor space formed by two faults is the main hydrocarbon accumulation site. Application of the SGR lower limit method indicates that fault-caprock configuration of K1yc3 is good enough to provide favourable conditions for hydrocarbon conservation. Consequently, the effect of faults controlling on hydrocarbon migration and accumulation can be summarized into following three aspects. This is fault activity controls the hydrocarbon vertical migration scale in different stages; fault sealing capacity controls the horizontal enrichment degree of hydrocarbon, and fault-caprock configuration controls petroliferous reservoir. 
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