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The Last Interglacial palaeosol in the Belgian loess belt: TL age record
Affiliation:1. Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Burgos, Av. Cantabria, s/n, Burgos 09006, Spain;2. Dept. of Planetology, Kobe Univ., Nada, Kobe 657-8501, Japan;3. AGICO, Inc., Jecna 29a, Brno CZ62100, Czech Republic;4. Institute of Geology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic;5. Dept. of Physical and Applied Geology, ELTE Eötvös Loránd Univ., 1/C, Pázmány P. st, Budapest H-1117, Hungary;6. Szent István Univ., 1 Práter Károly st., Gödöllő H-2100, Hungary;7. Dept. of Lithospheric Research, Univ. of Vienna, 14 Althanstrasse, Vienna A-1090, Austria;8. Institute for Geological and Geochemical Research, Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences of the HAS, 45 Budaörsi st., Budapest H-1112, Hungary;9. Research Center for Inland Seas, Kobe Univ., Nada, Kobe 657-8501, Japan
Abstract:In the Belgian loess plateau, the Rocourt soil is a well-known luvisol horizon that is regarded as representing the Last Interglacial. The name of the soil comes from the locality of Rocourt in the east of the country, where it has been observed for the first time. Later, exposures of a similar soil were found in other localities. Most typically, a sequence of three horizons is observed: a red-brown illuvial Bt horizon, overlain by a bleached horizon and a compound dark horizon. In this paper, we present the results of TL age determinations obtained on sediments directly bracketing the soil at the type locality of Rocourt and at the locality of Momalle more to the west, together with some supplementary data for the exposures at Kesselt to check a controversial result that was obtained earlier (J. Quaternary Sci. 13 (5) (1998) 487). The TL analyses involved both the (total bleach) additive dose and regeneration methods.Our TL ages confirm the assumed chronostratigraphic position (oxygen isotope stage 5) of the soil exposed at the type locality. The ages obtained at Momalle and Kesselt indicate that we are dealing with the same soil here but the palaeodose data are less consistent. This is probably due to the fact that the loess has been disturbed by post-depositional processes such as solifluction, surface run-off, cryo- and bioturbation. This seems to be a major problem with the sediments in the eastern part of the Belgian loess belt.
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